Over a decade ago there was some controversy about the selection of an international standard airfield approach lighting system. At a very late stage, the R.A.E. produced a visual simulator of great simplicity on which any administrator could fly approaches using any of the rival systems. His performance could be checked but, what is far more important, he obtained personal and realistic visual experience. If this simulator had been available in 1945 it might have saved many millions spent on the flight evaluations of the rival systems and years of international conferences.
In the present controversy on collision avoidance regulations in the air and at sea, time and wealth could be saved by the creation of a visual and dynamic simulator in which all persons attending symposiums on collision problems could obtain synthetic visual experience of the present day avoidance regulations and of the new conventions proposed by E. S. Calvert and S. H. Hollingdale.
Curiously enough, such a simulator would not be very costly. It would consist of a very large hangar and a number of small electric two-seater cars somewhat similar to those known as ‘Dodgems’ often seen at Funfairs.
It would be used quite effectively for simulating air traffic as a high percentage of all near-misses occur in the horizontal plane but it would be desirable to gimbal the cars so that they can bank when turning.
Simulation of nocturnal traffic requires only black-out and navigation lights.