The Annual Dinner of the Association was held at the Royal College of Physicians on the evening of Wednesday, June 13th. The following members and guests were present:—The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of Dublin; the Right Hon. Christopher Redington, Vice-Chancellor of the Royal University of Ireland; the Right Hon. John Atkinson, Q.C.; the Rev. J. Stubbs, S.F.T.C.D.; Dr. J. E. Kenny, M.P.; Professor Edward Dowden; Dr. George Plunkett O'Farrell; Dr. W. G. Smith, President Royal College Physicians, Ireland; Dr. W. Thornley Stoker, President Royal College Surgeons, Ireland; J. M. Colles, LL.D., Chancellor's Registrar in Lunacy; the President Academy of Medicine in Ireland; Dr. Semelaigne; Dr. Jules Morel; Professors Benedikt, D. J. Cunningham, Alec. Fraser, and J. A. Scott; Drs. W. Moore, Gordon, J. Magee Finny, Little, Macan, Ball, W. Thomson, J. W. Moore, C. E. Fitzgerald, W. J. Smyly, Master of the Rotunda Hospital, Hack Tuke, Murray Lindsay, Nicolson, Urquhart, Oscar Woods, Turnbull, Beveridge Spence, Horne, Baker, Whitoombe, Fletcher Beach, Sigerson, Rutherford, Earl, Batty Tuke, Fletcher, Mercier, J. R. Burke, Garner, Telford Smith, Bond, Cameron, Hawtrey Benson, Eustace, Keay, Donelan, Agar, Elkins, Percy Smith, Finch, O'Neill, Nolan, Gramshaw, Cope, Oswald, Molony, Ringrose Atkins, Theodore Stack, T. McDowall, Lockhart Donaldson, Cullinan, Revington, G. M. Robertson, Arthur Baker, Clouston, Conolly Norman, etc.