There has been a considerable amount of attention called to the subject of phthisis in asylums lately, and since the publication of the report of the Tuberculosis Committee the subject has appeared in a broader light. Although much is being and has been done for the prevention of phthisis by means of the Sanatorium movement, and the varieties of the technique of hygiene which are included in that treatment, yet there are still many aspects of the disease (both in the sane and insane) which require precise investigation, such as the variations in the composition of the secretions and excretions when the body is in the state of phthisical toxæmia; the relationship of the tuberculous toxæmia to other toxæmias, such as the influenzal (27), gouty, etc.; the accumulation of toxins, and its relations to recurrent forms of disease. The number of deaths from tubercle here during the past year we find to be ten; in 1900 it was nine, and 1899 it was fifteen, so that from a percentage of 1.3 in 1899 it has dropped to 0'85 in 1901. On examining the position of this asylum in the tables drawn up by the Tuberculosis Committee (1) we find it tenth in the asylums in England and Wales which are classified under Division i, which asylums have a tubercular death-rate of from 0.5 to 2.2, the county asylum at Exminster having a percentage of 1.3. This compares favourably with other asylums, some in the Division 2 having a tubercular death-rate of 5.1 and 8 per cent. respectively.