Notices of Books
Salamis 5. Excavations in the necropolis of Salamis iii. By V. Karageorghis. 3 vols. Nicosia: Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. 1973–4. Pp. ix + 294, 321 pl. (16 in colour), numerous text figs. 34 folding plans and sections. C£25·00.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 238-239
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(R.) Hägg Die Gräber der Argolis in sub-mykenischer, protogeometrischer und geometrischer Zeit. I. Lage und Form der Gräber. (Boreas 7, 1.) Uppsala: Uppsala Univ., 1974. Pp. 172. 43 text figs. Price not stated. (Distributed by: Almqvist & Wiksell, Box 159, S–101 22 Stockholm I, Sweden.)
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- 23 December 2013, p. 239
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Aegina. Alt-Ägina. Ed. H. Walter. 1, i. Der Apollontempel. By W. W. Wurster. Mainz: P. von Zabern (for Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Ägina-Kommission). 1974. Pp. 135, 34 pl. (including 9 folding plans), 157 text figs. DM 110.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 240
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Athens. The Athenian agora: results of excavations conducted by the American school of classical studies in Athens. 14. (H. A.) Thompson and (R. E.) Wycherley The agora of Athens: the history, shape and uses of an ancient city center. Princeton, N.J.: The American school of classical studies at Athens. 1972. Pp. xxiii + 257. 113 plates. 57 text figs. $28.00.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 240-242
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(J. E.) Jones, (A. J.) Graham and (L. H.) Sackett An Attic country house below the Cave of Pan at Vari. [Annual of British School at Athens, vol. 68]. London: Thames & Hudson. 1974 (1973). Pp. 356–452. pl. 63–86, 21 text figs. £2·50.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 242-243
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Xanthos. Fouilles de Xanthos. 5. Tombes-maisons, tombes rupestres et sarcophages. By P. Demargne. Études et relevés. By P. Coupel and P. Prunet. Les épitaphes lyciennes. By E. Laroche. Paris: Klincksieck (for Institut Français ďArchéologie ďIstanbul). 1974. Pp. 148) 39 illus., 63 plates, 5 text figs. Fr. 300.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 243
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(W.) Voigtländer Der jüngste Apollontempel von Didyma: Geschichte seines Baudekors. (Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 14.)Tübingen: Wasmuth. 1975. Pp. 166, 28 pl. DM 36.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 243-244
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Salamis. Salamine de Chypre. 5. (M.) Yon Un dépôt de sculptures archaïques (Ayios Varnavas, site A). (Institut F. Courby, E.R.A. 60.) Paris: de Boccard. 1974. Pp. x + 164, pl. 40 (4 in col.), 48 text figs. Fr. 140.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 244
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(H.) Hiller Ionische Grabreliefs der ersten Hälfte des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 12.) Tübingen: Wasmuth. 1975. Pp. 203, 32 Plates. DM 42.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 244-245
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Thebes. Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben. 5. Terrakotten aus dem Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben. Menschenähnliche Figuren, menschliche Figuren und Gerät. By B. Schmaltz. Berlin: de Gruyter. 1974. Pp. x + 200. 31 pl. DM 168.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 246
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(F.) Brommer Die Metopen des Parthenon: Katalog und Untersuchungen. Text and plates. Mainz: P. von Zabern. 1967. Pp. xii + 247, xi. 244 Plates. 19 text figures. DM 168.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 245-246
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Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland, Band 33. Berlin, Antiquarium, Band 4. By N. Kunisch. Munich: C. H. Beck. 1971. Pp. 86. 56 Plates. 39 text figs. DM 68. - Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland, Band 36. Tübingen, Antikensammlung des Archäologischen Instituts der Universität, Band I. By K. Wallenstein. Munich: C. H. Beck. 1973. Pp. 99. 52 Plates. 53 text figs. DM 80.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 246-247
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(D.) Frankel Middle Cypriot white painted pottery: an analytical study of the decoration. (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, 42.) Gothenburg: Paul Åström. 1974. Pp. 140. 40.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 247
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(A.) Pieridis ὁ πρωτογεωμετρικὸς ῥυθμὸς ἑν Κύηρῳ. (Βιβλ. τῆς ἑν Ἀθηναīς ἀρχ. ἑτ., 77.)Athens: Ἀρχαιολογικὴ Ἑταιρεīα. 1973. Pp. [xiv] + 112, 35 plates, text figs. Price not stated.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 247-248
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(J. J.) Jully La céramique attique de la Monédière, Bessan, Hérault: ancienne collection J. Coulouma, Béziers. (Collection Latomus, 124.) Text and plates. Brussels: Latomus. 1973. Pp. 362. 30 plates, 12 tables. Fr.b. 1,200.
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- 23 December 2013, p. 248
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(J.) Ziomecki Les représentations ďartisans sur les vases attiques. (Bibliotheca antiqua, 13.) Warsaw, etc.: Académie polonaise des Sciences. 1975. Pp. 165. 51 text figs. zl. 52. - (H.) Lauter Zur gesellschaftlichen Stellung des bildenden Künstlers in der Griechischen Klassik. Mit einem Exkurs: Paradeigmata. Anhang: fünf klassische Bauurkunden, trans. L. Semmiinger. (Erlanger Forschungen, Reihe A: Geisteswissenschaften, 23.) Erlangen: Universitätsbibliothek. 1974. Pp. 83. DM32.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 248-249
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(J.) Boardman Athenian black-figure vases: a handbook. London: Thames & Hudson. 1974. Pp. 252, 383 illus. £2·50 (cloth); £1·50 (paper). - (R. S.) Folsom Attic black-figured pottery. (Noyes classical studies.) Park Ridge, N.J.: Noyes Press. 1975. Pp. xvi + 171, [64] pl., [38] text figs. $9.95.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 249-250
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(D.) Callipolitis-Feytmans Les plats attiques a figures noires. Text and plates. 2 vols. (École française ďAthènes, travaux et mémoires des anciens membres, étrangers de l'école et de divers savants, 19.) Paris: de Boccard (for École française ďAthènes). 1974. Pp. 505, 76 text figs., Pp. 14, pl. 94. Fr. 320.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 250-251
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(J.-M.) Moret L'llioupersis dans la céramique italiote: les mythes et leur expression figurée au IVe siècle. 2 vols. (Bibliotheca helvetica romana, 14.) Rome: Institut Suisse de Rome. 1975. Pp. xiv + 305, 41, 102 pl. No price stated.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 251-252
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(H.-P.) Bühler Antike Gefässe aus Edelsteinen. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern. 1973. Pp. vii + 85. 40 plates. DM 98.
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- 23 December 2013, pp. 252-253
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