The interaction and merger of a pair of co-rotating vortices has been studied experimentally in a wind tunnel. The vortices are generated using two separate wings, allowing both initial circulation ratio and initial separation to be varied. At the nominal test speed of 30 ms−1, the circulation-based Reynolds number is typically 6.4 × 104. Mean crossflow velocities at stations downstream are obtained with a traverse-mounted yaw meter. The vortex interaction is characterized by fitting Lamb–Oseen profiles to the measured, azimuthally averaged, tangential velocity profiles.
It is found that the merger process differs in several important respects from lower-Reynolds-number studies. First, the separation of the vortices decreases continually throughout the initial, ‘viscous growth’, phase, instead of remaining constant. Second, the vortex core growth in this phase appears to be greater than can be accounted for by turbulent diffusivity, even after correcting for the effects of wandering. Finally, the time to merger lies well below that predicted by expressions based on the lower-Reynolds-number observations, and is further reduced when the circulation ratio departs from unity. We conclude that the enhanced core growth is probably due to the short-wavelength ‘elliptic’ instability that has already been observed in some high-Reynolds-number experiments. The mechanism behind the decrease in separation, which is a crucial factor in the reduced merger time, is three-dimensional, but, beyond this, remains unknown.