Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 March 2019
Finite-amplitude wave groups with multiple near-resonances are investigated to extend the existing results due to Liu et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 835, 2018, pp. 624–653) from steady-state wave groups in deep water to steady-state wave groups in finite water depth. The slow convergence rate of the series solution in the homotopy analysis method and extra unpredictable high-frequency components in finite water depth make it hard to obtain finite-amplitude wave groups accurately. To overcome these difficulties, a solution procedure that combines the homotopy analysis method-based analytical approach and Galerkin method-based numerical approaches has been used. For weakly nonlinear wave groups, the continuum of steady-state resonance from deep water to finite water depth is established. As nonlinearity increases, the frequency bands broaden and more steady-state wave groups are obtained. Finite-amplitude wave groups with steepness no less than $0.20$ are obtained and the resonant sets configuration of steady-state wave groups are analysed in different water depths. For waves in deep water, the majority of non-trivial components appear around the primary ones due to four-wave, six-wave, eight-wave or even ten-wave resonant interactions. The dominant role of four-wave resonant interactions for steady-state wave groups in deep water is demonstrated. For waves in finite water depth, additional non-trivial high-frequency components appear in the spectra due to three-wave, four-wave, five-wave or even six-wave resonant interactions with the components around the primary ones. The amplitude of these high-frequency components increases further as the water depth decreases. Resonances composed by components only around the primary ones are suppressed while resonances composed by components around the primary ones and from the high-frequency domain are enhanced. The spectrum of steady-state resonant wave groups changes with the water depth and the significant role of three-wave resonant interactions in finite water depth is demonstrated.