Spirituality, gender, and the self in Renaissance Italy. Angela Merici and the Company of St Ursula (1474–1540). By Querciolo Mazzonis. Pp. xix+247. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2007. $35.95 (paper). 13 978 0 8132 1490 0; 10 0 8132 1490 4
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- 14 July 2008, pp. 552-553
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The rise and fall of the English ecclesiastical courts, 1500–1860. By R. B. Outhwaite (Cambridge Studies in English Legal History.) Pp. xv+195. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. £55. 13 978 0 521 86938 6; 10 0 521 86938 2
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- 14 July 2008, pp. 553-554
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Cornelius Henrici Hoen (Honius) and his Epistle on the eucharist (1525). Medieval heresy, Erasmian humanism, and reform in the early sixteenth-century Low Countries. By Bart Jan Spruyt. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 119.) Pp. xiii+298. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2006. €119. 13 978 90 04 15464 3; 10 90 04 15464 7; 1573 4188
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- 14 July 2008, pp. 554-555
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The various versions of the Historia aliquot martyrum anglorum maxime octodecim Cartusianorum sub rege Henrico Octavo ob fidei confessionem et summa pontificis jura vindicanda interemptorum by Dom Maurice Chauncy. Vol. 1. Edited by John Clark (intro. Peter Cunich). (Analecta Cartusiana, 86.) Pp. iv+182. Salzburg: Universität Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2007. €40 (paper). 978 3 900033 75 0
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Heresy, culture, and religion in early modern Italy. Contexts and contestations. Edited by Ronald K. Delph, Michelle M. Fontaine and John Jeffries Martin. (Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies, 76.) Pp. xiii+265 incl. 4 ills. Kirksville, MI: Truman State University Press, 2006. $49.95. 13 978 1 931112 58 1; 10 1 931112 58 4
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From Muslim to Christian Granada. Inventing a city's past in early modern Spain. By Katie A. Harris. (The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. 125th Ser. (2007), 1.) Pp. xxiii+255 incl. 14 ills. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. £33.50. 13 978 0 8018 8523 5; 10 0 8018 8523 X
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Juan de Mariana and early modern Spanish political thought. By Harald E. Braun. (Catholic Christendom, 1300–1700.) Pp. xiii+200. Aldershot–Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. £55. 978 0 7546 3962 6
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Calvinism and the arts. A re-assessment. By Christopher Richard Joby. (Studies in Philosophical Theology, 38.) Pp. xiii+242 incl. 6 black-and-white and 5 colour plates. Leuven–Paris–Dudley, MA: Peeters, 2007. €43 (paper). 978 90 429 1923 5
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The great favourite. The duke of Lerma and the court and government of Philip III of Spain, 1598–1621. By Patrick Williams. (Studies in Early Modern European History.) Pp. xxix + 303 incl. 3 genealogical tables and 7 tables. Manchester–New York: Manchester University Press, 2006. £65. 0 7190 5137 1; 978 0 7190 5137 1
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Discorso und lex dei. Die Entstehung neuer Denkrahmen im 16. Jahrhundert und die Wahrnehmung der französischen Religionskriege in Italien und Deutschland. By Cornel Zwierlein. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 74.) Pp. 900 incl. 2 ills. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006. €129 (paper). 10 3 525 36067 3; 13 978 3 525 36067 5
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Théodore de Bèze. Poète et théologien. By Alain Dufour. (Cahiers d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 78.) Pp. 272 incl. frontispiece and 6 ills. Geneva: Librarie Droz, 2006. €25 (paper). 2 600 01103 X; 13 978 2 600 01103 7; 1422 5581 - Théodore de Bèze (1519–1605). Actes du colloque de Genève (septembre 2005). Edited by Irena Backus. (and l'Institut d'histoire de la Réformation). (Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance, 424.) Pp. 598. Geneva: Librairie Droz, 2007. €108. 978 2 600 01118 1; 0082 6081
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Johann Gerhard, On the nature of theology and Scripture. Translated by Richard Dinda. (Theological Commonplaces, 1.) Pp. 502. St Louis, MO: Concordia, 2006. $54.99. 0 7586 0988 4
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The Welsh Church from Reformation to disestablishment, 1603–1920. By Glanmor Williams, William Jacob, Nigel Yates and Frances Knight. Pp. xxi+414+12 plates. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2007. £45. 978 0 7083 1877 5
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An educated clergy. Scottish theological education and training in the kirk and secession, 1560–1850. By Jack C. Whytock. (foreword A. T. B. McGowan.) (Studies in Christian History and Thought.) Pp. xxvii+466. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2007. £24.99 (paper). 978 1 84227 512 2
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The forging of races. Race and Scripture in the Protestant Atlantic world, 1600–2000. By Colin Kidd. Pp. vii+309. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. £40 (cloth), £15.99 (paper). 13 978 0 521 79324 7; 10 0 521 79324 6; 13 978 0 521 79729 0; 10 0 521 79729 2
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Religion and the Enlightenment, 1600–1800. Conflict and the rise of civic humanism in Taunton. By William Gibson. Pp. 385. Oxford–Bern: Peter Lang, 2007. £42. 3 03910 922 7; 0 8204 8317 6
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- 14 July 2008, p. 571
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Religion in revolutionary England. Edited by Christopher Durston and Judith Maltby. Pp. xvi+286 incl. frontispiece. Manchester–New York: Manchester University Press, 2006. £15.99 (paper). 0 7190 6404 X; 978 0 7190 6404 3; 0 7190 6405 8; 978 0 7190 6405 0
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- 14 July 2008, pp. 572-573
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Black Tom. Sir Thomas Fairfax and the English revolution. By Andrew Hopper. (Politics, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain.) Pp. ix+262 incl. 1 map, 4 tables and 7 figs. Manchester–New York: Manchester University Press, 2007. £55. 978 0 7190 7108 9; 978 0 7190 7109 6
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Le Père Joseph. L'Eminence grise de Richelieu. By Benoist Pierre. Pp. 476. Paris: Perrin, 2007. €20 (cloth), 978 2 262 02244 0
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Religion and the origins of the German Enlightenment. Faith and the reform of learning in the thought of Christian Thomasius. By Thomas Ahnert. (Rochester Studies in Philosophy, 12.) Pp. vi+189. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2006. £45. 1 58046 204 9
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- 14 July 2008, pp. 575-576
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