Ethiopian Art - The Marian Icons of the Painter Fre Seyon: A Study in Fifteenth-Century Ethiopian Art, Patronage, and Spirituality. By Marilyn E. Heldman. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994. Pp. 220. No price given (ISBN 3-447-03540-4).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 489-490
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Pre-Colonial Market Forces - Terms of Trade and Terms of Trust: The History and Contexts of Pre-Colonial Market Production around the Upper Zambezi and Kasai. by Achim von Oppen. (Studien zur Afrikanischen Geschichte, Band 6.) Münster: Lit Verlag, 1994. Pp. viii + 473. $47.50, paperback (ISBN 3-89473-246-6).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 312-313
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Texts without Context - Beschrijving van het Koninkrijk Kongo en van de omliggende gebieden van de hand van Filippo Pigafetta & Duarte Lopes (Rome, 1591). Translated and annotated by W. G. F. Lacroix. Delft: Uitgeverij Eburon, 1992. Pp. xiv + 142. Dfl. 39.50 (ISBN 90-5166-28-7) - Het binnenland van Afrika in de zestiende eeuw: Een historisch-geografische analyse van Duarte Lopes' kaart van Afrika (Rome, 1951). By W. G. F. Lacroix. Delft: Uitgeverij Eburon, 1992. Pp. 511. Dfl. 125 (ISBN 90-5166-279-3) - Afrika in de oudheid: Een linguïstisch-toponymische analyse van Ptolemaeus' kaart van Afrika. Aangevuld met een bespreking van Ofir, Punt en Hanno's reis. By W. G. F. Lacroix. Delft: Uitgeverij Eburon, 1993. Pp. 434. Dfl. 125 (ISBN 90-5166-338-2).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 490-492
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Bewitched! - Modernity and its Malcontents: Ritual and Power in Postcolonial Africa. Edited by Jean and John Comaroff. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. Pp. ix + 233. £14.25, paperback (ISBN 0-226-11440-6).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 123-124
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Reconstructing Shona Histories - A Zimbabwean Past: Shona Dynastic Histories and Oral Traditions. By David Beach. Gweru: Mambo Press, 1994. Pp. xviii + 308. No price given (ISBN 0-6922-52-6).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 492-493
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‘What Fools Men are’ - Women and Missions: Past and Present: Anthropological and Historical Perceptions. Edited by Fiona Bowie, Deborah Kirkwood and Shirley Ardener. (Crosscultural Perspectives on Women, vol. 11). Providence and Oxford: Berg, 1993. Pp. xxii + 279. £34.95 (ISBN 0-85496-738-9); £14.95, paperback (ISBN 0-85496-872-5).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 124-126
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Christianity in Madagascar - Madagascar et le Christianisme. Par Bruno Hübsch. Fianarantsoa: Ambozontany, 1993. Pp. 518. FF 180 (ISBN 2-86537-445-9).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 314-315
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Sudan's Civil War - The Politics of Two Sudans: The South and the North 1821–1969. By Deng D. Akol Ruay. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1994. Pp. 183. No price given (ISBN 91-7106-344-7).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 493-494
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A History of African Women - Les Africaines: Histoire des femmes d'Afrique noire du XIXe au XXe siècle. Par Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch. Paris: Editions Desjonquères, 1994. Pp. 395. FF 190, paperback (ISBN 2-904226-80-6).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 315-316
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Money Matters: Instability, Values and Social Payments in the Modern History of West African Currencies. Edited by Jane I. Guyer. London: James Currey; Portsmouth NH: Heinemann, 1995. Pp. xiii + 331. £35 (ISBN 0-85255-665-9); £14.95, paperback (ISBN 0-85255-615-2).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 126-127
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Smuts: A Pictorial Record - Jan Smuts: An Illustrated Biography. By Trewhella Cameron. Cape Town: Human and Rousseau, 1994. Pp. 190. R. 125 (ISBN 0-7981-3343-0).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 494-495
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Politics and Pan-Africanism - Imagining Home: Class, Culture, and Nationalism in the African Diaspora. Edited by Sidney J. Lemelle and Robin D. G. Kelley. London: Verso, 1994. Pp. viii + 373. £30 (ISBN 0-86091-386-4); £13.95, paperback (ISBN 0-86091-585-9).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 128-129
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Missionaries to Yorubaland - Les missionaires à la rencontre de l'Afrique au XIXe siècle (Côte des Esclaves et pays yoruba, 1840–1891). Par Bernard Salvaing. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1994. Pp. 344. No price given, paperback (ISBN 2-7384-2289-6).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 317-318
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Colonizing Cape Verde - História geral de Cabo Verde, Volume I. Edited by Luís de Albuquerque and Maria Emília Madeira Santos. Lisbon: Centro de Estudos de História e Cartografia Antiga, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical; Piraia; Direção Geral do Património Cultural de Cabo Verde, 1991. Pp. xvi + 476. No price given (ISBN 972-672-537-2).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 129-130
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Wankie Colliery - Wangi Kolia: Coal, Capital and Labour in Colonial Zimbabwe 1894–1954. By Ian Phimister. Harare: Baobab Books, 1994. Pp. xiv + 194. £11.95; $21.50 (ISBN 0-908311-69-9).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 22 January 2009, pp. 495-497
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Kofi Kakari's Asante - Marie-Joseph Bonnat et les Ashanti: journal (1869–1874). Par Claude-Hélène Perrot et Albert van Dantzig. Paris: Édition de la Société des Africanistes (Musée de l'Homme), 1994. Pp. 672. FF 195, paperback (ISBN 2-908948-00-1).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 318-319
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The Christian Church and Slavery - Les églises chrétiennes et la traite atlantique du XVe au XIXe siècle. By Alphonse Quenum. Paris: Karthala, 1993. Pp. 341. FF 160 (ISBN 2-86537-387-8).
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- 22 January 2009, p. 131
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Education in Zimbabwe - Colonialism and Education in Zimbabwe. By Rugano J. Zvobgo. Harare: SAPES Books, 1994. Pp. x + 108. £9.95 (ISBN 1-77905-025-9).
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- 22 January 2009, pp. 497-499
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Anioma Cultural Identity - Anioma: A Social History of the Western Igbo People. By Don C. Ohadike. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1994. Pp. xx + 250. £39 (ISBN 0-8214-1072-5); £17.50, paperback (ISBN 0-8214-1073-3).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 22 January 2009, pp. 319-321
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Telling Tales - ‘We Spend Our Years as a Tale that is Told’: Oral Historical Narrative in a South African Chiefdom. by Isabel Hofmeyr. London: James Currey, 1994. Pp. xvi + 322. £35 (ISBN 0-85255-661-6); £14.95, paperback (ISBN 0-85255-611-X).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 22 January 2009, pp. 321-322
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