We are witnessing increased divorce rate, and consequently the need to resolve problems related to child custody. According to some data, every third marriage results in disintegration. The child often becomes an object and tools in resolving this complex issue.
Family environment is a natural environment of a child, one of the crucial factors in process of child's socialization. Basic generator of named socialization is a family atmosphere conditioned by predominant feelings in domestic relations. These relations are realized within the mother-child-father triangle adjoined by other members of the family. The evolution of civilization leads to changes in behavior and concept of human rights.
Divorce proceeding itself is one of the rights of both parents, i.e. adult members. From legal point of view, position of minors is passive, defensive. Therefore, divorce may be presented as exercising divorce rights consumed by adults. The most dramatic conflict in divorce proceeding is so called child custody, used by the parents as figurehead for exercising rights on their child.
During the course of exercising parental rights, there are some parents where we can identify a competence and confrontation of equal rights or conflict of individual parental rights.
An expert being summoned to the court in divorce proceeding, related to issues of child custody is most frequently a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker by its vocation, and seldom, pedagogue or psychotherapist.
Family, school and society are somewhat similar to the palace- If you take away a stone from its foundation, everything starts to collapse.