In result of clinical-psychopathological examination of 100 women suffering from hysteromyoma we have identified as compared with portion of patients without mental disturbances, specific weight of women with mental disorders (47%) and with pre-nosological manifestations (43%) predominated (р < 0,05), from them 21% met definitions of psychoadaptive state and 22% - psychodisadaptive status (PDAS). Study of distribution of prevalence of variants of PDAS has revealed predominance in the examined of asthenic register (8%), where basic manifestations was feeling of fatigue, increasing to the end of the day, pains in muscles, sensation of apathy. Psychovegetative variant was revealed in 6% patients and was represented by paroxysmal vegetative dysfunctions, transient headaches, and sleep disturbance. Dysthymic variant characterized by emotional lability in the kind of irritability, feeling of uneasiness and mental discomfort, has been revealed in 5%, and dysmnestic variant manifesting by short-term changes in the sphere of attention, orientation in familiar setting, erroneous estimation of time intervals was diagnosed in 3% of women. Revealed mental disturbances included four clusters: neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (F40–48) have been revealed in 29% of examined women; affective, predominately of depressive spectrum (F32–34.1) - in 9%; personality disorders and behavioral disorders at mature age (F60–61) - in 3% and behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors (F50–52) - in 6%. Presented data demonstrate high prevalence of mental disturbances in female patients with hysteromyoma that, complicating severity of state of women and decreasing adaptive abilities, considerably worsens quality of life and efficacy of treatment measures.