Civilization helped create installations on consumer attitude towards life and expanded opportunities to meet these needs, including the so-called vital instincts (sex, food, self-preservation). Sexual attraction is closely related to the emotional state, moral attitudes, values, and physical condition of the person, which contributes to its lability under the influence of external factors, social and biopsychological influences.
Were examined 28 couples aged 25-40 years with complaints of decrease in frequency sexual relations, even the termination of sexual contact, and their replacement by masturbatory acts, accompanied by visual reinforcement with the internet stories pornographic content. we conventionally have allocated not only erotic and platonic attraction components, which reflect mainly the physical and spiritual directions of realization of sexual desire. But we have allocated for each person also egoistic and altruistic manifestations which are more dependent on the personality characteristics (mainly hysteroid, psychasthenic, autistic (schizoid)), as well as social influences.
Disharmonious relationships within the couple, there are not only because of the inconsistency of sexual activity of partners but also autoerotism. Traumatic impact has a negative impact on the expression of a component of sexual desire, often altruistic. He promotes the release of selfish attitudes and use autoerotism for sexual satisfaction. This may explain the reason for the discrepancy of sexual partners.
Treatment these states is a complex psychotherapeutic interventions aimed at creating a hedonistic attitudes, and also directed on the fight against stereotypes, formed autoerotism, sexual fantasies, which are supported by affordable internet and a variety of virtual pornographic publications.