In this paper we introduce a new method of
projection-type inference and describe it in the
context of two stage least squares–based
split-sample inference on subsets of structural
coefficients in a linear instrumental variables
regression model. The use of the new method not only
guards against the uncontrolled overrejection of the
true value of the parameters of interest but also
reduces the conservativeness of the usual method of
projection proposed by Dufour and his coauthors
(Dufour, 1997, Econometrica 65,
1365–1388; Dufour and Jasiak, 2001,
International Economic Review 41,
815–843; Dufour and Taamouti, 2005, discussion
paper; Dufour and Taamouti, 2005,
Econometrica 73, 1351–1365;
Dufour and Taamouti, 2007, Journal of
Econometrics 139, 133–153).