A new one-sided test for serial correlation in multivariate time
series models is proposed. The test is based on a comparison between a
multivariate spectral density estimator and the spectral density under the
null hypothesis of no serial correlation. Duchesne and Roy (2004, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 89,
148–180) considered a multivariate kernel-based spectral density
estimator. However, when the spectral density exhibits irregular features
(because of strong autocorrelation or seasonality, among other factors),
it is expected that a multivariate wavelet-based spectral density
estimator will capture more effectively the local behavior of the spectral
density. We consider a test based on a wavelet spectral density estimator,
which represents a generalization of a test proposed by Lee and Hong
(2001, Econometric Theory 17,
386–423). The asymptotic distribution of the new test is established
under the null hypothesis, which is N(0,1). We propose and
justify a suitable data-driven method to choose the smoothing parameter of
the wavelet estimator (called the finest scale in that context). The new
test should be powerful when the spectral density contains peaks or bumps.
This is confirmed in a simulation study, where kernel-based and
wavelet-based estimators are compared.The
author thanks the co-editor Pentti Saikkonen and two referees for their
constructive remarks and suggestions. Many thoughtful comments of the
referees led to significant improvements of the paper. This work was
supported by grants from the National Science and Engineering Research
Council of Canada and the Fonds québécois de la recherche
sur la nature et les technologies du Québec (Canada).