Much of the credit for the outpouring of research on nonlinear models
in the 1970s—particularly limited dependent variable
models—should go to Takeshi Amemiya. His classic 1973
Econometrica article on estimation of the parameters of the Tobit
model [11] set a new standard for mathematical rigor in
theoretical econometrics. During his career, which spans nearly four
decades, Takeshi's research contributions to econometrics have
touched on most of the central models for empirical economics, including
linear and nonlinear simultaneous equations models, distributed lag
models, heteroskedastic and random coefficient models, qualitative
response models, censored and truncated regression and selection models,
transformed regression models, choice-based sampling models, and duration
models. His 1985 text, Advanced Econometrics [44],
became the standard reference for second-year graduate microeconometrics
courses at the leading graduate programs in economics.
Takeshi's research accomplishments have been accompanied by
numerous professional honors. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society,
the American Statistical Association, and the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences and was awarded Guggenheim and Humboldt Fellowships. Takeshi also
has a distinguished record of professional service; he served briefly as a
co-editor of Econometrica and has been a co-editor of the
Journal of Econometrics since 1982.
This interview was conducted in Takeshi Amemiya's office at
Stanford University in March 2004. In recent years his interests have
turned to comparative study of Greek and Japanese culture and
mythology—his scholarship includes a Japanese translation of an
English research monograph on Aristotle's Ethics
[58]—and the discussion starts with this topic before
turning to his unusual education, career as an econometric theorist, and
variety of outside interests. His remarks reveal both his careful
attention to detail and the dry humor that his colleagues and former
students (like me) savor.