Procopius and Plutarch in the Loeb Library - Procopius, with an English translation by H. B. Dewing. In seven volumes. VI: The Anecdota or Secret History. Pp. xxii + 384; 2 frontispieces (portraits of Justinian and Theodora); 2 maps. - Plutarch's Moralia, with an English translation by F. C. Babbitt. In fourteen volumes. IV: 263D-351B; pp. xiv + 553. V: 3510438E; pp. xii + 515.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 17-19
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Epicurus on Plato - Wolfgang Schmid: Epikurs Kritik der platonischen Elementenlehre. Pp. 64. Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1936. Paper, RM. 4.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 67-68
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The Axiochus - E. H. Blakeney: The Axiochus | On Death and Immortality | A Platonic Dialogue | Edited with translation, illustrations and notes. Pp. 48. London: Frederick Muller, 1937. Quarter-cloth, 5s.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 175-176
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Ancient Knowledge of Carpathian Lands - Stephan Borzsák: Die Kenntnisse des Altertums über das Karpatenbecken. (Dissertationes Pannonicae, Ser. I. Fasc. 6.) Pp. 56. Budapest: Institut für Münzkunde und Archäologie (Leipzig: Harrassowitz), 1936. Paper, Pengo 5.
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- 27 October 2009, p. 130
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Studies in Palladius - J. Svennung: Untersuchungen zu Palladius and zur lateinischen Fach- und Volkssprache. Pp. xxxv+698. Uppsala: Almqvist och Wiksell, 1935. Paper, Kr. 25.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 19-20
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Parody of Prayer - Hermann Kleinknecht: Die. Gebetsparodie in der Antike (Tübinger Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft, Heft 28). Pp. 220. Stuttgart and Berlin: Kohlhammer, 1937. Stiff paper, RM. 12.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 226-227
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Lucian Translated - Lucian, with an English translation by A. M. Harmon. Vol. V. Pp. vii + 537. (Loeb Classical Library.) London: Heinemann, 1936. Cloth, 10s. (leather, 12s. 6d.).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 68-69
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Latin Scholarship to the Time of Varro - Francesco Della Corte: La filologia latina dalle origini a Varrone. Pp. viii +165. Turin: Casanova, 1937. Paper, L. 20.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 227-228
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The Loeb Ammianus - Ammianus Marcellinus. With an English translation by J. C. Rolfe. In three volumes. I. [Books XIV-XIX.] Pp. 1 + 583; portrait, 2 maps. (Loeb Classical Library.) London: Heinemann, 1935. Cloth, 10s. (leather, 12s. 6d.).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 20-21
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Greek Birds - A Glossary of Greek Birds, by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson. Pp. viii + 342; many engravings in text. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1936. Buckram, 12s. 6d.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 131-132
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The Private Speeches of Demosthenes - Demosthenes: Private Orations, with an English translation by A. T. Murray. In three volumes. 1. Pp. xi + 523. (Loeb Classical Library.) London: Heinemann, 1936. Cloth, 10s. (leather, 12s. 6d.).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 176-177
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Latin Literature for Italian Children - Nicola Terzaghi: (a) Lineamenti di Storia delta Letteratura Latina. (b) Mantissa: Letture Latine a Complemento della Storia Letter aria. Pp. iv + 322 and 184. Turin: Paravia, 1937. Paper, L. 12 and L. 6.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 228-229
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Demosthenes - P. Cloché: Démosthènes et la fin de la démocratic athinienne. Pp. 334. Paris: Payot, 1937. Paper, 36 fr.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 177-178
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The Loeb Sidonius - Sidonius: Poems and Letters. With an English translation, introduction, and notes, by W. B. Anderson. In two volumes. I. Poems; Letters, Books I-II. Pp. lxxv+483. (Loeb Classical Library.) London: Heinemann, 1936. Cloth, 10s. (leather, 12s. 6d.).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 21-23
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A German Version of the Stromateis - Titus Flavius Klemens von Alexandria: Die Teppiche. Deutscher Text nach der Uebersetzung von Franz Overbeck. Pp. vii + 776. Basel: Benno Schwabe and Co., 1936. Paper, RM. 20 (bound, RM. 24).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, p. 69
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Hellenism in the age of Goethe - Griechentum und Goeihezeit, Walther von Rehm. Pp. xii + 436; 6 plates. (Das Erbe der Alten, zweite Reihe, Nr. XXVI.) Leipzig: Dieterich, 1936: Paper, M. 13.50 (bound, 15).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 132-133
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Horace in Thirteen Literatures - Orazio nella letteratura mondiale. Pp. 253. (See C.R. LI. 95.) Rome: IstitutodiStudi Romani, 1936. Paper, L. 20.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 229-230
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The Budé Bellum Civile - César: La Guerre Civile. Texte établi et traduit parPierre Fabre. 2 vols. Pp. (1) lxii+IIo and (2) 150. Paris: ‘Les Belles Lettres’, 1936. Paper, 20 francs each.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 133-134
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Rendel Harris Papyri - The Rendel Harris Papyri of Woodbrooke College, Birmingham. Edited with Translation and Notes by J. Enoch Powell. Pp. xii + 134; portrait and 5 plates. Cambridge: University Press, 1936. Cloth and boards, 15s.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, p. 70
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Early Iran - History of Early Iran, by George G. Cameron. Pp. xvi+260; 1 map. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (Cambridge: University Press), 1936. Cloth, 13s. 6d.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 23-24
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