Megachile rotundata (F.) is a domesticated bee used to pollinate alfalfa in southern Alberta. There it may have four species of parasites, all chalcidoids. These parasites are removable by water traps before the hives are set in the field. Three of these parasites, Monodontomerus obscurus Westw., Dibrachys maculipennis Sz., and Pteromalus venustus Wlkr,, are European in origin. The first seems not to be established in Canada; the latter two have been reared from Canadian species of Megachile and thereby may prove a source of parasitism. The fourth species, Melittobia chalybii Ashm., is a widespread, nearctic, multivoltine species and is known as a laboratory pest of hymenopterous nests; it is likely to be the major parasite in rotundata nests. A key is given for the parasitic species.