The 11 of this present heare arrived one Mr Bishope and Mr Charnock and wer courtesly entertayned in the college vpon condicion they should not seeke to disturbe the same, being now in so good order & quiet, & so free from all thoughtes of such as these men bent theire busie braynes abowt as that none of them would vouchsaf to speak wth them saue one or to excepted, wch by appoyntment of theire superiours and wth one in theire companye were licensed to talk wth them for some acquaintance wth them in England, and this mortification hath ben no litle one vnto these men, who seeke to disquiet booth college & contrey, & contemn all order, wch to their grife they see so florish at this present in or college, god allmightie the author of peace and louer of concord and order be praysed.