Present difficulties have induced me to publish in the form of an article the text of the Khotanese Rāma poem. It is of interest to both Indian and Iranian scholars, not least perhaps to our confrères with whom we are not at present in contact. It is hoped to publish a commentary and translation in a subsequent paper.
A description, with short summary, of the contents of the poem was given in a lecture to the American Oriental Society in Baltimore, April, 1939, and will be shortly published in the Journal of that Society. Reference for the present may be made to that account.
The text is contained in three MS. rolls numbered 2801, 2781, 2783, written on Chinese paper, in cursive Khotanese script, and now preserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale. I first read them in December, 1937, and subsequently obtained photostatic copies. I wish once again to thank Professor Paul Pelliot for his permission to use them.