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Editorial board

British Journal of Nutrition


BJN Editor-in-Chief John Mathers

Prof. John C. Mathers
Newcastle University Population Health Sciences Institute, UK
[email protected]
Keywords: Nutrition, ageing and health; nutrigenomics; personalised nutrition



Editorial Office

Alison Sage, Peer Review Administrator

Emilie McDermott
Peer Review Administrator
[email protected]

Deputy Editors

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Camilla Damsgaard

Dr. Camilla Damsgaard
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Keywords: Clinical trials, children, cardiometabolic health, n-3 PUFA, vitamin D, wholegrain

BJN Deputy Editor Prof. Éric Doucet

Prof. Éric Doucet
University of Ottawa, Canada
Keywords: Body weight regulation, Appetite, Exercise, Energy intake, Weight loss, Energy metabolism

BJN Reviews Editor Dr. Rajavel Elango

Dr. Rajavel Elango
University of British Columbia, Canada
Keywords: Amino acid and protein metabolism through the life cycle; Maternal and fetal nutrition

BJN Deputy Editor Prof. Kent Erickson

Prof. Kent Erickson
University of California,  Davis, USA
Keywords: Diet, nutrition and cancer in humans and animals at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and whole body levels

Wendy Hall

Prof. Wendy Hall
King’s College London, UK
Keywords: Fatty acids; Lipids; Cardiovascular disease; Glucose; Polyphenols; Sleep; Obesity; Randomised controlled trials

BJN Editorial Board Dr. J. Philip Karl

Dr. J. Philip Karl
US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, USA
Keywords: Appetite physiology, eating behaviour, gut flora/microbiome, fiber, prebiotics, energy metabolism

BJN Editorial Board Prof. Gertraud Maskarinec

Prof. Gertraud Maskarinec
University of Hawaii, USA
Keywords: Dietary intake, diabetes, cancer, epidemiology, phytochemicals

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Barbara Meyer

Prof. Barbara Meyer
University of Wollongong, Australia
Keywords: Fatty acids, lipids, lipoproteins, clinical nutrition, cardiovascular disease, n-3 fatty acids

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Kentaro Murakami

Dr. Kentaro Murakami
University of Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Nutritional epidemiology, dietary assessment methodology, meal patterns, diet quality

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Barbara Vizmanos-Lamotte

Prof. Kristina Pentieva
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland 
Keywords: B-Vitamins, Infant and maternal nutrition, Homocysteine, Biomarker status, Cognition and cognitive decline, Aging

BJN Editorial Board Prof. Melanie Plourde

Prof. Melanie Plourde
University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Keywords: Lipid nutrition, omega-3 fatty acids, fatty acids kinetics and metabolism, cognition, neurodevelopment, gestational diabetes, aging

BJN Deputy Editor Dr. Paul A. Sharp

Dr. Paul A. Sharp
King's College London, UK
Keywords: Bioavailability of minerals and trace elements, Anaemia, Intestinal transport, Nutrient-gene interactions

 BJN Editorial Board Prof. José Luis Soengas Fernández

Prof. José Luis Soengas Fernandez
University of Vigo, Spain
Keywords: Expertise in fish: metabolic and endocrine regulation of food intake, nutrient sensing mechanisms, energy metabolism

Nicholas Wade Deputy Editor

Dr. Nicholas Wade
CSIRO, Australia
Keywords: Prawns and fish, gene expression and qPCR, macronutrients, metabolism, pigmentation and quality, carotenoids

BJN Editorial Board Prof. Gary Williamson

Prof. Gary Williamson
Monash University, Australia
Keywords: Polyphenols/phenolics/flavonoid, bioavailability and intestinal absorption, post-prandial sugar metabolism, enzymology and transporters

Reviews (Deputy) Editors

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Francesca Bravi

Dr. Francesca Bravi
Inst. of Pharmacological Research, Mario Negri, Italy
Keywords: Nutritional epidemiology, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, lifestyle risk factors, statistics and biostatistics

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Louise Brough

Dr. Louise Brough
Massey University, New Zealand
Keywords: Iodine, selenium, folate, pregnancy, breastfeeding

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Louise Brough

Dr. Daniela Canella
State University of Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: Public health, Obesity, Dietary intake, Epidemiology

BJN Reviews Editor Dr. Rajavel Elango

Dr. Jose Lara Gallegos
Northumbria University, UK
Keywords: Ageing, Body composition, Dietary intake, Obesity, Systematic review

BJN Reviews Editor Prof. David Levitsky

Prof. Emeritus David Levitsky
Cornell University, USA
Keywords: Control of human food intake, regulation of human body weight, effects of nutrition on behaviour

BJN Reviews Editor Prof. Yulan Liu

Prof. Yulan Liu
Wuhan Polytechnic University, China
Keywords: Domestic animals, Intestine health, Nutrition, Immunology, Inflammation

Supplements Editor

BJN Supplements Editor Dr. Michelle McKinley

Dr. Sarah Bath
University of Surrey, UK
Keywords: Iodine, micronutrients, maternal nutrition, nutrition in early life, public health

Statistical Editors

Editor Name

Dr. Abdullah Al-Taiar
Old Dominion University, USA
Keywords: Nutritional Epidemiology; Vitamin deficiencies in childhood and pregnancy; anthropometry and adiposity; Nutrition in early life

BJN Statistical Editor Dr. Vasiliki Bountziouka

Dr. Vasiliki Bountziouka
Dept. of Food and Nutrition Science, University of the Aegean, Greece
Keywords: Dietary assessment, Dietary patterns, Statistics, Epidemiology

BJN Reviews and Horizons Editor Dr. Barbara A. Fielding

Dr. Marek Brabec
Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Keywords: Statistics, Anthropometry

BJN Statistical Editor Dr. Yu Bai

Dr. Emmanuel Curis
University of Paris V: René Descartes, Paris, France
Keywords: Statistics, Ornithine Aminotransferase, Glutamate, Ornithine

BJN Statistical Editor Dr. Joanne Hosking

Dr. Joanne Hosking
University of Plymouth, UK
Keywords: Adiposity, anthropometry, body composition, diabetes, statistics

BJN Statistical Editor Prof. George Kelley

Dr Sven Knüppel
Bundesinstitut fur Risikobewertung, Germany
Keywords: Statistics, Dietary assessment, Meta-analysis, lifestyle factors, Epidemiology

Rebecca Leech Statistical Editor

Dr. Rebecca Leech
Deakin University, Australia
Keywords: Epidemiology, Statistics, Public Health

BJN Statistical Editor Dr. Bo YangDr. Christa Lilly 
West Virginia University, USA
Keywords: Psychometrics, Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Maternal and child health 

Dr. Cristian Ricci
North-West University, South Africa
Keywords: Epidemiology, exercise, fatty acids, meta-analysis, statistics

BJN Statistical Editor Dr. Bo Yang

Prof. Shahid Ullah
Flinders University, Australia
Keywords: Applied Statistics and Biostatistics, Statistical and epidemiological methodology and modelling, Functional data analysis for time series forecasting, Joint modelling approach for survival and longitudinal data, Data science and visualization in R libraries, Network and geospatial analysis of health data

First Editors 

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Klodian Dhana

Dr. Katherine Appleton
University of Bournemouth, UK
Keywords: Dietary intake, Nutrition in the elderly, Psychology, Public health

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Nerys Astbury

Dr. Nerys Astbury
University of Oxford, UK
Keywords: Regulation of energy balance in humans, appetite, weight loss, obesity-related research

Michael Borack First Editor

Dr. Michael Borack
Duke University, USA
Keywords: Protein and amino acid supplementation, protein diets, sarcopenia, ageing, obesity, weight loss, frailty, exercise physiology and performance, muscle physiology, hypertrophy, and regeneration, stable isotope analysis

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Guido Bosch

Dr. Guido Bosch
Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Keywords: Animal behaviour, animal feeding, animal models, animal nutrition (particularly dog and cat), animal physiology (particularly dog and cat), animal welfare

BJN Editorial Board Miss Monica Betancor Quintana

Dr. David Clayton
Nottingham Trent University, UK
Keywords: Metabolism, Appetite regulation, Exercise, Energy, Hormones

Dr Miriam Clegg

Dr. Miriam Clegg
University College Cork, Ireland
Keywords: appetite regulation, exercise, food viscosity, older adults and protein intake

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Paul Cutrufello

Dr. Paul Cutrufello
University of Scranton, USA
Keywords: Anthropometry, body composition, exercise

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Klodian Dhana

Dr. Klodian Dhana
Rush University Medical Center, USA
Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, dementia, cognition

Editor Name

Dr. Aly Diana
Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Keywords: Infant/ maternal nutrition, Micronutrients, Dietary intake, Anaemia, Public health

Prof. Michele Drehmer
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Keywords: Epidemiology, infant and maternal nutrition, weight gain, pregnancy, public health

BJN Editorial Board: Dr. Jean-Philippe Drouin-Chartier

Dr. Jean-Philippe Drouin-Chartier
Université Laval, Canada
Keywords: Epidemiology, Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Meta-analysis

Prof. Zhen-Yu Du

Prof. Zhen-Yu Du
East China Normal University, China
Keywords: Fish Nutrition, Cellular and Molecular Metabolism, Energy Production, Lipid Homeostasis, Nutrient and Stress Adaptation

BJN Editorial Board Prof. Claudio Maffeis

Prof. Nadia Everaert
KU Leuven, Belgium
Keywords: Pig microbiota, High wheat bran diet, Gestation, Lactation 

Dr. Emma Feeney
University College Dublin, Ireland
Keywords: Dietary intake, public health, functional foods, body weight, taste perception

Dr. Pablo Garcia-Solis

Dr. Pablo Garcia-Solis
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México
Keywords: Micronutrients, trace elements, iodine, thyroid hormones

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Barbara Vizmanos-Lamotte

Prof. Michael Habte-Tsion
University of Maine, USA
Keywords: Fish Nutrition, Nutrigenomics, Nutritional Requirements, Nutrients Metabolism, Immunonutrition.

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Barbara Vizmanos-Lamotte

Dr. Stephen Hennigar
Pennington Biomedical Research Center, USA
Keywords: Iron, iron deficiency, anemia, micronutrients

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Kelly Hirko

Dr. Kelly Hirko
Michigan State University, USA
Keywords: Epidemiology, diet quality, alcohol, body composition, biomarkers, disparities

Dr. James H. Hollis
Iowa State University, USA
Keywords: Appetite regulation, obesity, functional foods, food viscocity/gastric emptying words

BJN Editorial Board: Prof. Paula Horta

Prof. Paula M. Horta
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Keywords: Child/adolescent nutrition, Dietary intake, Epidemiology, Food advertising (or Food marketing), Food environment, Public health

Dr. Ryota Hosomi
Kansai University, Japan
Keywords: Fatty acid and lipid metabolism, phospholipid, n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, animal model

Dr. Jonghan Kim
University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Keywords: Anaemia, Iron, Minerals, Trace elements, Toxicology

BJN Deputy Editor Dr. Jérôme Lapointe

Prof. Marlena Kruger
Massey University, New Zealand
Keywords: Bone and joint health; Biomarkers; In vitro models; Animal models; Clinical studies

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Xugang Luo

Dr. Xugang Luo
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, China
Keywords: Poultry nutrition with an emphasis on biochemical and molecular nutrition of minerals in poultry

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Zhi Luo

Dr. Zhi Luo
Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Keywords: Adiposity, fish: nutrition in fish, gene expression, lipids, micronutrients

BJN Editorial Board Dr. David W.L. Ma

Dr. David W.L. Ma
University of Guelph, Canada
Keywords: Cytokines, fatty acids desaturase 2, fatty acid metabolism, polyunsaturated fatty acid, inflammation

BJN Editorial Board Prof. Claudio Maffeis

Prof. Claudio Maffeis
University of Verona, Italy
Keywords: Glucose tolerance, pediatric obesity, children, insulin sensitivity

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Ewa Szymlek-Gay

Dr. Rajesh Manchi
 ICAR-Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal, India
Keywords: Fish, Gene expression, Metabolism, Minerals, Molecular biology

BJN Editorial Board: Dr. Aline Marcadenti

Dr. Aline Marcadenti
Hospital do Coracao, Brazil
Keywords: Randomized clinical trials; Ischemic cardiovascular disease; Cardiovascular risk factors (obesity, type-2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemias); Cardioprotective dietary patterns; Nutrigenetics; Hospital malnutrition (adults and elderly); Nutritional assessment (adults and elderly)

Editor Name

Dr. Kate Northstone
University of Bristol
Keywords: Pregnancy, Epidemiology, Infant and maternal nutrition, Public health, Statistics, Dietary patterns

BJN Editorial Board Prof. Claudio Maffeis

Dr. Alberto Osella
IRCCS Saverio de Bellis, Italy
Keywords: Hepatic Steatosis, Mediterranean Diet, low glycemic index, potato consumption, mortality

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Erin Gaffney-Stomberg

Dr. Angeliki Papadaki
University of Bristol, UK
Keywords: Public health, Nutrition in the elderly, Systematic reviews, Dietary intake, Dietary patterns

Bo (Bonnie) Qin

Dr. Bo (Bonnie) Qin
Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, USA
Keywords: nutritional epidemiology, dietary patterns, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cancer health disparities

BJN Editorial Board Prof. Claudio Maffeis

Dr. Clare Reynolds
University College, Dublin, Ireland
Keywords: dietary sugars, sweeteners, pregnancy, developmental programming, small animal models, breastmilk composition, obesity and metabolism, metabolic inflammation, reproductive health, high fat diets, adipose tissue

 BJN Editorial Board Prof. Angela Rivellese

Prof. Angela Rivellese
University of Naples: Federico II, Italy
Keywords: Nutrition and metabolic diseases, nutritional intervention trials in humans, quality of carbohydrates, polyphenols and lipid/glucose metabolism

Dr. Artur Rombenso
University Autonoma Baja California, Mexico
Keywords: Aqaculture, fatty acids, fish, lipids

BJN Editorial Board

Dr. Miguel Ruiz-Canela
University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
Keywords: Diet and other lifestyles and prevention of cardiometabolic diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity); Metabolomics, nutrition, cardiometabolic diseases; Randomized nutritional intervention studies; Culinary nutrition and cardiometabolic diseases

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Martin Weickert

Dr. J. Thomas Schonewille
Utrecht University, Netherlands
Keywords: Lactating cows, Tropical Nutrition, Minerals, Ruminants 

Prof. F. Tabung

Prof. Fred Tabung
The Ohio State University College of Medicine and Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA
Keywords: Diet in cancer risk and treatment response, dietary patterns, biomarkers, metabolomics, gut microbiome data, healthy eating, therapeutic diets

Dr. Sze-Yen Tan

Dr. Sze-Yen Tan
Deakin University, Australia
Keywords: Appetite regulation, human feeding behaviours, weight regulation, energy balance, energy expenditure and substrate oxidation, sensory influences on dietary intake, post-ingestive glycemic regulation

BJN Editorial Board

Prof. Li Tang
Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA
Keywords: Nutritional Epidemiology, Molecular Epidemiology, Cancer Chemoprevention, Gene-diet interaction

BJN Editorial Board Dr. Barbara Vizmanos-Lamotte

Dr. Barbara Vizmanos-Lamotte
University Centre of Health Sciences, Mexico
Keywords: Dietary surveys and nutritional epidemiology, human and clinical nutrition

Dr. Renate Winkels
Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Keywords: breast cancer, colorectal cancer, dietary intake, skeletal muscle, physical functioning, intervention studies

BJN Editorial Board Dr. J. Philip Karl

Dr. Manja Zec
University of Arizona, USA
Keywords: Micronutrients, Epidemiology, Fatty acids, Molecular biology, Statistics


Dr. Jian Zhang
National Institute for Nutrition and Health, China
Keywords: Aging, fatty acids, fish, nutrition in the elderly, systematic reviews