The Australian Journal of Environmental Education accepts submissions only through ScholarOne Manuscripts for online submission and peer review. Please create a profile to become an author or reviewer for AJEE. Ensure that you include your current details and return to update if they change.
There are no submission fees or page charges.
Submitting manuscripts
Prior to submitting your manuscript please conduct one final review. You may also like to invite a colleague to review your manuscript. Our reviewers are not your editors.
- Title - descriptive, clear and reflects the manuscript focus (up to 15 words).
- Abstract - represents research clearly with summarised introduction, manuscript focus, methodology, findings, and points discussed in linear form with and clear language (no references) (150 words)
- Keywords (at least 3, maximum 7).
- Word count (correct for submission type - inclusive for references, figures, tables and appendices).
- Cite literature from the field and build on the body of knowledge in environmental education.
- Ensure the manuscript makes a contribution to the field
- The manuscript conforms to the relevant reviewer criteria (note: not all criteria apply to each manuscript)
- Clear and succinct abstract:
- Introductory statement outlining purpose and significance to environmental education research and/or practice:
- Critical engagement with relevant literature:
- Critical engagement with relevant theory:
- Appropriateness of research methodology, design and methods:
- Data presentation and analysis (if relevant):
- Strength and logic of the argument:
- Conclusions that cohere with research purposes, literature, theory and/or data:
- Significant and novel contribution to environmental education:
- Academic writing and presentation:
- Relevance to AAEE (Australian Association for Environmental Education) members and AJEE readers/subscribers, international and in Australia:
- Include figures and tables in the text (you will also upload figures as separate files during submission).
- Remove page headers and footers.
- Ensure that you have met the ethical requirements of research in your country and have made this clear in your manuscript.
- Check that you do not attempt to do too much with this manuscript - maintain the focus.
- Ensure acronym use is minimised and if necessary acronyms introduced with the full phrase/title the first time in use.
- Ensure linear presentation of arguments with simple language to support the reader to read with clarity (use headings, clear language, and shorter sentences).
- Check grammar and correct use of English (Australian/British) spelling.
- AJEE has an international audience. Ensure your manuscript is accessible to those who are not from your institution and country.
- Ensure you have accurately and consistently cited all authors whose ideas and research you use. Run the manuscript through iThenticate or similar tool to check for accidental lapses in citations. AJEE uses iThenticate to check for plagiarism in each manuscript.
- Check your citations conform to APA 7th Edition (intext and end text).
- Ensure you undertake careful editing protocols. Employ an editing service or ask a colleague to conduct a review if needed. AJEE only accepts high-quality manuscripts to review as we value our reviewers’ time and energy. Please do not expect our Reviewers and Editors to undertake copyediting or to provide simple manuscript advice.
Once you have completed writing and editing your manuscript you can then prepare to submit. Before you go to the AJEE ScholarOne site there are several things to prepare:
- De-identify your manuscript - remove any reference to any of the authors, institutions, programs, funders or acknowledgements, locations, and references (list any reference with any of the authors involved as “Author/s, year” and alphabetise the list again - using “Authors”). Save this adapted file as “De-identified…”. You may choose to highlight the original file to remind yourself about what you have de-identified.
- Craft the biographical note including authors names, institution affiliation, address and email of corresponding author, 100 word biographical note for each author. Ensure that each contributing author is aware of this pending submission.
- Save separate files for each figure (jpeg, png, tiff).
- Write the cover letter explaining what you are submitting and why (give some details about the purpose of your manuscript). Describe any considerations or limitations.
- Consider potential reviewers and have theri details ready to provide.
Create a profile on ScholarOne to become an author for AJEE. Ensure that you include your current details and return to update if they change.
Select “Author” and navigate to the Author Dashboard. This is the place you can return to at any stage to watch the progress of your submission.
Once in the Author Dashboard select “Start New Submission” and then “Begin Submission”. Open your de-identified document and begin…
Step 1: Type, Title, & Abstract.
- Select the manuscript type (article, review, thesis synopsis, communication).
- Copy the title into the box (15 words max).
- Indicate if this is a manuscript for a Special Issue (the SI you are writing for will be listed in the dropdown box).
- Click “Save and Continue”.
- The system will prompt if there are any issues.
Step 2: File Upload
- The de-identified version of your manuscript.
- The figures (all of them - each as a separate file).
- The biographical note (as a single document).
- Select “Upload Selected Files” to complete this step.
- Check they uploaded and change the order if necessary.
- Click “Save and Continue”.
- The system will prompt if there are any issues.
Step 3: Attributes
- Enter at least 3 keywords.
- You can use the prescribed list - you do not have to.
- Click “+ Add” after adding each keyword.
- Click “Save and Continue”.
- The system will prompt if there are any issues.
Step 4: Authors & Institutions
- Enter all author email addresses (and additional details when prompted).
- Author details include name, email, ORCID, Institution. (put all details in or have authors amend details later (proofing stage)
- Previously entered authors details will be available for selection.
- Change author order to accurately reflect the manuscript.
- Click “Save and Continue”.
- The system will prompt if there are any issues.
Step 5: Details & Comments
- Copy the contents of your Cover Letter into the box.
- Address questions on funding, manuscript information (number of figures, tables and words), supplementary materials.
- Check the confirmations - clarify the details of each as they are ticked.
- Click “Save and Continue”.
- The system will prompt if there are any issues.
Step 6: Review & Submit
- Review each section ensuring its accuracy.
- View PDF Proof, save the pdf (it will take some time for the system to generate the pdf).
You can use the Author Dashboard to check on the status of your submission at any time.
Ensure you use the AEE identification number when communicating with the Editorial team. The identification follows this format: AEE - Manuscript Type - Year - Manuscript submission number (for that type).
We encourage authors to identify themselves using ORCID when submitting a manuscript to this journal. ORCID provides a unique identifier for researchers and, through integration with key research workflows such as manuscript submission and grant applications, provides the following benefits:
- Discoverability: ORCID increases the discoverability of your publications, by enabling smarter publisher systems and by helping readers to reliably find work that you have authored.
- Convenience: As more organisations use ORCID, providing your iD or using it to register for services will automatically link activities to your ORCID record, and will enable you to share this information with other systems and platforms you use, saving you re-keying information multiple times.
- Keeping track: Your ORCID record is a neat place to store and (if you choose) share validated information about your research activities and affiliations.
See our ORCID FAQs for more information. If you don’t already have an iD, you can create one by registering directly at
ORCIDs can also be used if authors wish to communicate to readers up-to-date information about how they wish to be addressed or referred to (for example, they wish to include pronouns, additional titles, honorifics, name variations, etc.) alongside their published articles. We encourage authors to make use of the ORCID profile’s “Published Name” field for this purpose. This is entirely optional for authors who wish to communicate such information in connection with their article. Please note that this method is not currently recommended for author name changes: see Cambridge’s author name change policy if you want to change your name on an already published article. See our ORCID FAQs for more information.
Licence to publish
Before Cambridge can publish your manuscript, we need a signed licence to publish agreement. Under the agreement, certain rights are granted to the journal owner which allow publication of the article. The original ownership of the copyright in the article remains unchanged. For full details see the publishing agreement page.