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Fees and pricing

This page contains information about fees that may be incurred when you publish in this journal.

Most Corresponding authors will have their APC covered by a transformative agreement (check here to see if your institution is covered), but any author without funding or not covered by a transformative agreement can opt to have the APC waived.

See this FAQ for more information.

Article processing charges (APCs)

This journal is a wholly open access journal, which means all articles are published Gold Open Access under a Creative Commons licence. In many cases the costs of publishing Gold Open Access articles are covered by institutional open access agreements. If you are not covered by such an agreement, another option is for an article processing charge (APC) to be paid, typically by your funding body or institution. This journal also supports Gold Open Access through equity initiatives and APC waivers and discounts, in order to ensure that no author will face a financial barrier to publication. Please see this journal's open access options for full details. 

For cases where an APC is required, please see the table below for this journal’s APC rates (additional taxes may apply).

Article Processing Charges for this journal
Currency APC
GBP (£) 2460
USD ($) 3550
AUD ($) 4044