Archaeological Dialogues | Types of Contribution | Submission of contributions | Preparing your Manuscript for Peer Review | Manuscript preparation | Final Submission | Data and Research Transparency | Publication Ethics | Seeking Permissions for Copyrighted Materials | Supplementary materials | Policy on prior publication | ORCID | Authorship and contributorship | Author affiliations | Competing interests | Author Hub | English language editing services | Style | Use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools
Archaeological Dialogues
Aims & Scope
Archaeological Dialogues is an international academic journal of archaeology. It has rigorous and extensive peer-review and is recognised as one of the top journals in the field. Archaeological Dialogues is included in the Thomson Reuters Arts and Humanities Citation Index.
Archaeological Dialogues publishes two main types of article: Research Articles and Discussion Articles. The latter are accompanied by published comments and a reply. Submissions suitable to appear as discussion articles will be selected by the editorial board.
In addition, the journal publishes 'Provocations' and 'Reactions'. These are short pieces which take a novel or provocative stance on a particular topic, likely to initiate a lively dialogue, or which respond to an article previously published in Archaeological Dialogues. Provocations and Reactions can more essay-like in style. Scholars with suggestions in this direction are encouraged to contact the Editors.
The journal also publishes 'Conversations' and 'Forum' articles.
We publish a mixture of commissioned and unsolicited articles and welcome unsolicited submissions of interesting and original archaeological work.
Manuscripts should be submitted in good English. Please follow these guidelines closely so that we can direct editorial efforts towards achieving quality publication. Manuscripts that fail to conform to these guidelines may be returned to the author for further modification.
Queries may be addressed to [email protected].
Types of contributions
Archaeological Dialogues publishes two main types of article: Research Articles and Discussion Articles.
The word limit for both Research Articles and Discussion Articles is 9,000 words.
Discussion Articles are accompanied by published comments and a reply. These can take longer to appear in an issue because of the time required for comments and reply. Submissions suitable to appear as discussion articles will be selected by the editorial board.
Discussion Articles: comments and responses
Comments for a discussion are normally around 1,200-1,500 words. We suggest that formulaic compliments are omitted in order to focus on the discussant's opinion of the paper. Your comment should be sharp, succinct and thought-provoking. Remember that it is a comment on an article, not an essay in its own right.
Please supply a title for your comment and use primary headings only
In addition, the AD publishes 'Provocations' and 'Reactions'. These are short pieces normally less than 2,000 words which take a novel or provocative stance on a particular topic, likely to initiate a lively dialogue, or which respond to an article previously published in Archaeological Dialogues. Provocations and Reactions can more essay-like in style. They are not subject to full peer review but are reviewed by the editorial board.
AD will also publish Review Essays, which are usually solicited by the editorial board, but scholars with suggestions in this direction are encouraged to contact us.
Archaeological Dialogues also publishes 'Conversations' and 'Forum' articles.
Conversations are around 7,000 words and follow an interview style and aim towards highlighting a topic, life, and/or career of someone who has conducted extensive work in archaeology. Archaeological Dialogues is particularly interested in conversations with scholars whose work or career has not always been recognized in the Global North. These are usually solicited pieces, but suggestions for conversations can be sent to the Archaeological Dialogues editorial team.
Forum articles are around 9,000 words, dedicated to popular topics or pressing issues affecting the world and archaeology today. A Forum expects multiple authors to separately write a brief text expressing their own thoughts and opinions on a given topic yet have those separate texts published as a whole. Forum pieces should contain a brief introduction to the topic discussed, the joint texts of four to five total authors, and references. Like Research articles, Forum articles are subject to editorial and peer-review.
Submission of contributions
Important notice: We have become aware that there are websites such as University Press Journals, Association of British University Presses and International Agency for Development of Culture, Education and Science (IADCES) which are claiming to offer publication in certain Cambridge University Press journals for a fee. We do not work with such companies. For more information on predatory publishing, please visit the Think Check Submit website
Preparing your Manuscript for Peer Review
Archaeological Dialogues operates a double-blind peer review policy for Research Articles and the initial submission of Discussion Articles. Submissions should be anonymized and stripped of identifying information, and should be accompanied by a title page providing the following information:
- Corresponding author, email & affiliations
- Co-Authors, emails & affiliations
- Acknowledgements
- Competing interests declaration
Further information on the peer review process can be found here.
Articles solicited by the Editorial team such as Provocations and Reactions are not subject to full peer review but are reviewed by the editorial board.
Manuscript preparation
Cover sheet
The manuscript should include a cover sheet with information about the author(s) which should include: (also see Preparing your manuscript for peer review above):
- Acknowledgements
- Funding statement
- Competing interests declaration (please see below for further information)
- Biographical note: Include at least the name(s), affiliation(s) and email address(es) of authors, a note on interests, other relevant information such as fieldwork projects or recent publications. This should be no longer than 150-200 words
Main text
Please ensure all pages are numbered. Start with the title of the paper; above the text insert:
- abstract (circa 150 words)
- 6 keywords. Keywords will be used by Cambridge Core to link to other articles and as online search terms. The choice of keywords is therefore important: words already included in the title need not be repeated.
Further guidance on preparing abstracts and keywords may be found here.
Headings: Use only primary and secondary headings and please do not number them. Use lowercase letters for both. Use two or three hard returns after the heading to indicate primary and secondary level headings respectively. Headings should be clearly separated from the following text.
Notes: Begin on a separate page; number sequentially; use sparingly
References: Begin on a separate page (see guidelines below)
Figure captions: Begin on a separate page; list figures sequentially (all plates, illustrations, graphs, tables or other original artwork are numbered as figures)
Figures- All figures should be referred to in the text.
- Figures should be numbered. Electronically submitted figures should include their number in the file name; hard copies should be numbered lightly in pencil on the back. All hard-copy figures should be 'camera-ready', i.e. suitable for quality reproduction. Bear in mind that figures will usually have to be reduced in size; instructions on the size to which they may be reduced are therefore welcome. Tables should be used sparingly. Figures supplied electronically should be sent as .tif files and of high resolution.
- There are no charges for colour figures in articles published online.
Please also make sure that the manuscript constitutes original research that is not under consideration in another journal.
Further information about manuscript preparation can be found here.
Please refer to the Cambridge University Press artwork guide for more information on figure submission.
Final Submission
Our preferred format is MS-Word. Please contact the editors in advance if you plan to send use text in any other format.
Minimise embedded formatting, except for italics. Texts should be unjustified and at least one-and-a-half spaced. Paragraphs should be indicated by the insertion of a blank line, not by indentation.
Never use more than one space. Do not insert spaces between initials (A.M.J. Derks, not A. M. J. Derks). Punctuation should be followed by a single space, but never preceded by one except when using a dash – which should have a space before and after.
Data & Research Transparency
Archaeological Dialogues highly encourages all authors of articles that feature quantitative analysis or rely on images, materials, protocols, or software code to make data available for replication purposes. Authors should also ensure that they are meeting data replication and deposit requirements stipulated by their funding bodies and institutions as well as any regulations set by governments or other bodies responsible for materials or sites under analysis.
AD can host such data on the journal’s website, and authors wishing to avail themselves of this facility should supply all files electronically.
Alternatively, the data can be hosted in an appropriate institutional or subject repository (please see 'Research Transparency' in the Journal Policy menu for repository recommendations).
Where the data involve artifact collections and/or records, authors should provide relevant archival information. Authors should also note if materials have been turned over to a state or national repository, institute, organization, or other relevant body.
Data should be cited in the article, and where possible, permanent links should be provided. See here for further guidance on how to cite data.
Articles should include information about processes by which any data or images were manipulated.
Publication ethics
Archaeological Dialogues is published by Cambridge University Press, which is a member of the Committee for Publication ETHICS (COPE), whose core practices may be found here: Cambridge’s policy on publication ethics is available here:
Authors contributing to the journal are expected to adhere to standards established by the relevant professional bodies.
Further information about Publishing Ethics may be found here.
Seeking Permissions for Copyrighted Material
If your article contains any material in which you do not own copyright, including figures, charts, tables, photographs or excerpts of text, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder to reuse that material. As the author it is your responsibility to obtain this permission and pay any related fees, and you will need to send us a copy of each permission statement at acceptance.
Please see here for further information on how to seek permission for copyrighted material.
Supplementary materials
Material that is not essential to understanding or supporting a manuscript, but which may nonetheless be relevant or interesting to readers, may be submitted as supplementary materials. Supplementary materials will be published online alongside your article, but will not be published in the pages of the journal. Types of supplementary materials may include, but are not limited to, appendices, additional tables or figures, datasets, videos, and sound files.
Supplementary materials will be published with the same metadata as your parent article, and are considered a formal part of the academic record, so cannot be retracted or modified other than via our article correction processes. Supplementary materials will not be typeset or copyedited, so should be supplied exactly as they are to appear online. Please make sure you are familiar with our detailed guidance on supplementary materials prior to submission.
Where relevant we encourage authors to publish additional qualitative or quantitative research outputs in an appropriate repository, and cite these in manuscripts.
Policy on prior publication
When authors submit manuscripts to this journal, these manuscripts should not be under consideration, accepted for publication or in press within a different journal, book or similar entity, unless explicit permission or agreement has been sought from all entities involved. However, deposition of a preprint on the author’s personal website, in an institutional repository, or in a preprint archive shall not be viewed as prior or duplicate publication. Authors should follow the Cambridge University Press Preprint Policy regarding preprint archives and maintaining the version of record.
We encourage authors to identify themselves using ORCID when submitting a manuscript to this journal. ORCID provides a unique identifier for researchers and, through integration with key research workflows such as manuscript submission and grant applications, provides the following benefits:
- Discoverability: ORCID increases the discoverability of your publications, by enabling smarter publisher systems and by helping readers to reliably find work that you have authored.
- Convenience: As more organisations use ORCID, providing your iD or using it to register for services will automatically link activities to your ORCID record, and will enable you to share this information with other systems and platforms you use, saving you re-keying information multiple times.
- Keeping track: Your ORCID record is a neat place to store and (if you choose) share validated information about your research activities and affiliations.
See our ORCID FAQs for more information. If you don’t already have an iD, you can create one by registering directly at
ORCIDs can also be used if authors wish to communicate to readers up-to-date information about how they wish to be addressed or referred to (for example, they wish to include pronouns, additional titles, honorifics, name variations, etc.) alongside their published articles. We encourage authors to make use of the ORCID profile’s “Published Name” field for this purpose. This is entirely optional for authors who wish to communicate such information in connection with their article. Please note that this method is not currently recommended for author name changes: see Cambridge’s author name change policy if you want to change your name on an already published article. See our ORCID FAQs for more information.
Authorship and contributorship
All authors listed on any papers submitted to this journal must be in agreement that the authors listed would all be considered authors according to disciplinary norms, and that no authors who would reasonably be considered an author have been excluded. For further details on this journal’s authorship policy, please see this journal's publishing ethics policies.
Author affiliations
Author affiliations should represent the institution(s) at which the research presented was conducted and/or supported and/or approved. For non-research content, any affiliations should represent the institution(s) with which each author is currently affiliated.
For more information, please see our author affiliation policy and author affiliation FAQs.
Competing Interests
All authors must include a competing interest declaration in their title page. This declaration will be subject to editorial review and may be published in the article.
Competing interests are situations that could be perceived to exert an undue influence on the content or publication of an author’s work. They may include, but are not limited to, financial, professional, contractual or personal relationships or situations.
If the manuscript has multiple authors, the author submitting must include competing interest declarations relevant to all contributing authors.
Example wording for a declaration is as follows: “Competing interests: Author 1 is employed at organisation A, Author 2 is on the Board of company B and is a member of organisation C. Author 3 has received grants from company D.” If no competing interests exist, the declaration should state “Competing interests: The author(s) declare none”.
Author Hub
You can find guides for many aspects of publishing with Cambridge at Author Hub, our suite of resources for Cambridge authors.
English language editing services
Authors, particularly those whose first language is not English, may wish to have their English-language manuscripts checked by a native speaker before submission. This step is optional, but may help to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by the Editor and any reviewers.
In order to help prospective authors to prepare for submission and to reach their publication goals, Cambridge University Press offers a range of high-quality manuscript preparation services, including language editing. You can find out more on our language services page.
Please note that the use of any of these services is voluntary, and at the author's own expense. Use of these services does not guarantee that the manuscript will be accepted for publication, nor does it restrict the author to submitting to a Cambridge-published journal.
Use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools
We acknowledge the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the research and writing processes. To ensure transparency, we expect any such use to be declared and described fully to readers, and to comply with our plagiarism policy and best practices regarding citation and acknowledgements. We do not consider artificial intelligence (AI) tools to meet the accountability requirements of authorship, and therefore generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and similar should not be listed as an author on any submitted content.
In particular, any use of an AI tool:
- to generate images within the manuscript should be accompanied by a full description of the process used, and declared clearly in the image caption(s)
- to generate text within the manuscript should be accompanied by a full description of the process used, include appropriate and valid references and citations, and be declared in the manuscript’s Acknowledgements.
- to analyse or extract insights from data or other materials, for example through the use of text and data mining, should be accompanied by a full description of the process used, including details and appropriate citation of any dataset(s) or other material analysed in all relevant and appropriate areas of the manuscript
- must not present ideas, words, data, or other material produced by third parties without appropriate acknowledgement or permission
Descriptions of AI processes used should include at minimum the version of the tool/algorithm used, where it can be accessed, any proprietary information relevant to the use of the tool/algorithm, any modifications of the tool made by the researchers (such as the addition of data to a tool’s public corpus), and the date(s) it was used for the purpose(s) described. Any relevant competing interests or potential bias arising as a consequence of the tool/algorithm’s use should be transparently declared and may be discussed in the article.
- Limit the use of abbreviations
- Do not use abbreviations to denote institutions; write their name in full
- In general: A.D. and B.C. (not AD and BC); ca (not ca.); cf. (not cf); ed. (not ed); eds (not eds.); e.g. (not eg); et al. (not et al); ibid. (not ibid); Ph.D. (not PhD); P.O. Box (not PO Box); pp. (not pp); 1990s (not 1990's); viz. (not viz). And we prefer C14 method; but 14C (element).
Quotations and quotation marks
- Quotations up to four lines should be included in the running text.
- Quotations exceeding four lines are to be separated from the text by means of a hard return before and after the quotation.
- Use single 'quotation marks', not " (except for quotations within quotations).
- Spell out numbers one to nine; express all numbers greater than nine with arabic numerals.
- Spell out million and billion
- Spell out numbers that begin sentences
- Spell out numbers used in a general sense ('thousands of sherds')
- For dates and time: 40 hours; 30 October 1984; 20th century (but if used as an adjective, 20th-century architecture); 18th Dynasty; 1990s (not 1990's); 1933-34 (not 1933-4)
- Distance, area, volume, and weight must be expressed in the metric system.
Radiometric dating conventions
Following established convention the authors should use the following abbreviations:
- B.P. for uncalibrated dates;
- Cal. B.P./B.C./A.D. for calibrated dates;
- B.C. and A.D. for historical dates. B.P. and B.C. follow the date (1235 B.C.);
- A.D. precedes the date (A.D. 476; but the fifth century A.D.).
Please give laboratory abbreviations and number if
the radiocarbon age is published for the first time. Identify, and if
necessary define the calibration standard and correction factor used.
- British, not American: artefact, not artifact, medieval, not mediaeval, but follow original in a direct quote;
- -ize spellings when permitted if preferred, but watch for words like advertise, precise, revise where there is no -ize option;
Use of capitals and lower case letters
- In general: Keep capitalization to a minimum. You will generally find that when the definite article (the) precedes the noun you use upper case and when the same noun is used adjectivally, lower case is correct (the Government, government policy, the Orient, oriental, the West, western, the Army, the British army).
- additional examples: to the North, the north-west region, southern Europe, north-east England
- Concerning archaeological jargon: use upper case for specific, recognised, historical and person based names and lower case for general, common or mundane things. Proper names of periods of time or natural phenomena, historical eras and events take a capital if they have a definite archaeological significance as shown by a consistent usage (Paleozoic era, Carboniferous, Tertiary, (New) Stone Age, Bronze Age, Beaker Folk etc.). Cardinal points and other adjectives are lower case except when they form part of a recognised geographical region, period of time, institution or movement (Low Countries, Old World, House of Commons, Middle English, First World War).
Some examples:
- Latin, French, etc. (substantive),
- Dutch, European, Romano-British, Near Eastern etc. (adjective),
- Quarternary, Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Iron Age, Beaker etc. (substantive); use of early/Early, late/Late etc. depends on (in-)definite archaeological significance as shown by (in-)consistent usage; the modifying word is in lower case: Upper Paleolithic period, Anasazi culture, etc.),
- bronze age site, early bronze age sword etc. (adjective; however Palaeolithic era),
- the Magdalenian, the Natufian, etc. (substantive),
- magdalenian, natufian, etc. (adjective),
- bandceramic pottery, etc. (adjective),
- New Archaeology,
- the Renaissance, the Dark Ages, the Mediterranean, (substantive, specific usage; however: the renaissance of ..., mediterranean climate, general usage),
- names of rivers, mountains, oceans: these names are capitalised along with the generic name (lake , mountain, river, valley etc.) when they are used as part of a name (River Thames, Lake Michigan, Mount Cook etc.). When a generic name is used descriptively rather than as part of a name it is lowercased (the valley of the Mississippi, the Thames river, the Mississippi River valley etc.)
- title of book: a title of a (non-German) book mentioned in the text should be written with a capital letter for the initial letter of title and for the initial letter of (proper) names.
- Italics are used to mark all non-English words and concepts: Bandkeramik (bandceramic, no italics used), Annales, limes.
- Abbreviations of Latin phrases however (ibid. etc.) should not be italicised.
- Use italics to mark titles of books and articles which are cited within the text in full.
Some additions
- Never use the ampersand (&): please write out the word 'and'.
- Words in non-Roman alphabets should be transliterated if possible.
- The use of notes must be limited as far as possible. Essential notes should follow the text (endnotes).
- within the text: (Myhre 1990) or (Myhre 1990, 12-121) or (Myhre 1990, 21-24) or (cf. Myhre 1990, 34-36) or 'advocated by Myhre (1990; 1996)'. Use 'and' between two authors: (Roymans and Theuws 1990) or (Besteman, Bos and Heidinga 1990). Use 'et al.' for more than three authors (Kolen et al. 1995). (Do not use 'et al.' in the references however.) Use a, b, c etc. for titles published within one year (Waterbolk 1982a; 1982b). If used within parentheses, the above citations do not change parentheses to square brackets: (see the innovative study recently produced by Van der Veer (1994))
- within References follow the conventions evident in published issue
- in non-German titles, use a capital letter only for the initial letter of the title and for the initial word of (proper) names.
- title and subtitle of a book or article are separated by a full stop (not :) and a space.
Some examples:
- Bakker, J.A., 1992: The Dutch hunebedden, Ann Arbor.
- Renfrew, C., M.J. Rowlands and S.A. Segraves (eds), 1982: Theory and explanation in archaeology, London.
- Webmoore, T., and C. Witmore, 2008: Things are us! A commentary on human/things relations under the banner of a 'social' archaeology, Norwegian Archaeological Review 41, 53-70.
- Hermann, F.R., and A. Jockenhövel, 1975: Bronzezeitliche Grabhügel mit Pfostenringen bei Edelsberg, Kreis Limburg-Weilburg, Fundberichte aus Hessen 15, 87-127.
- Kristiansen, K., 1984: Ideology and material culture. An archaeological perspective, in M. Spriggs (ed.), Marxist perspectives in archaeology, Cambridge, 72-100.
- Ingold, T., 1992: Culture and the perception of the environment, in E. Croll and D. Parkin (eds), Bush base, forest farm. Culture, environment and development, London, 39-56.
- Pollard, J., 2004: A 'movement of becoming'. Realms of existence in the early Neolithic of southern Britain, in A. Chadwick (ed.), Stories from the landscape. Archaeologies of inhabitation, Oxford (British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1238), 55-70.