A widely held assumption about dyslexia is that difficulties in accessing the constituent
phonemes of the speech stream are responsible for specific reading and spelling difficulties. In
consistent orthographies, however, the acquisition of accurate phonological recoding and
phonemic awareness was found to pose much less difficulty than in English, and even dyslexic
children were found to exhibit high levels of performance in phonemic segmentation (Wimmer,
1993). Nevertheless, using a rather complex phonological awareness and manipulation task
(spoonerisms: MAN–HAT → HAN–MAT), Landerl, Wimmer, and Frith
(1997) found support for the original position on phonological awareness deficit, as both German
and English dyslexic children showed poor performance. In the present studies, the spoonerism
responses of Landerl et al. were reanalyzed such that children were given credit for partially
correct responses (e.g., a response of HAN for MAN–HAT). Such partially correct
responses were taken to indicate full segmentation of both stimulus words at the
onset–rime level. The effect of this rescoring was that the error rate dropped from
76% to 26% for the English dyslexic children and from 63% to 15%
for the German dyslexic children. Even higher performance levels, although not perfect as for the
age-matched control children, were found on a nonword spelling task in both groups. A second
study examined the segmentation of consonant clusters in younger German dyslexic children and
found performance levels of about 90% correct when memory problems were ruled out.
We argue that, at least in the context of a consistent orthography (and a phonics-based teaching
approach), deficits in phoneme awareness are only evident in the early stages of reading
acquisition, whereas rapid naming and phonological memory deficits are more persistent in
dyslexic children.