The new Library of the British School at Athens, built as a memorial to the late Francis Cranmer Penrose, first Director of the School, was formally opened by H.R.H. the Crown Prince of Greece at a meeting held on Saturday, April 8th, 1905, at 3.30 p.m. There were present their Majesties the King and Queen of the Hellenes, the Crown Prince and Princess, Prince and Princess Nicholas, Prince Andreas of Greece, Princess Louis of Battenberg, and the members of their suites, the British Minister, Sir Francis Elliot, K.C.M.G., and Lady Elliot, and the diplomatic representatives of France, Germany, Roumania, Russia, and the United States, Mr. C. Carapanos, Minister of Public Instruction, Prof. Spyridion Lambros, Rector of the University, Dr. Cavvadias, Ephor-General of Antiquities, the Hon. Reginald Walsh, British Consul, and many other members of the official world of Athens. Practically all the Vice-Presidents and most of the members of the Committee of the Congress including all the Directors of the foreign schools attended, besides many other scholars and archaeologists.