Age and weight at puberty, age at first conception and number of services per conception of 90 females at Santa Monica Experimental Station, Valencia, State of Rio de Janeiro, were studied. The females were of six red and white Holstein-Friesian (HF) × Guzera (G) grades: 1/4, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8 and ≥ 31/32.
A model (1) including the effects of grade and season of birth resulted in the following least-squares means for the six grades in the above order (± s.e.): age at puberty, 770 (± 17), 725 (± 18), 799 (± 26), 788 (± 23), 777 (± 17) and 803 (± 24) days; weight at puberty, 309 (± 8), 334 (± 9), 316 (± 13), 311 (± 11), 303 ((± 9) and 298 (± 12) kg; age at conception, 865 (± 19), 773 (± 19), 867 (± 31), 808 (± 25), 852 (± 22) and 837 (± 25) days; number of services per conception, 1·9 (± 0·2), 1·7 (± 0·2), 1·5 (± 0·3), 11 (± 0·2), 1·6 (+ 0·2) and 1·3 (± 0·2).
A second model (2) was fitted, including the effects of season of birth, direct (g1) breed additive effects (HF - G) and heterosis effects (hl). g1 and h1 were estimated by the partial regression coefficient of the traits studied on, respectively, the expected HF gene frequency and the expected heterozygosity of the females. The estimates of g7 were not significantly different from zero except for age at first conception (g7 = -102 (s.e. 46) days) (P < 0·05). Heterosis effects were significant for age at puberty (h1 = -86 (s.e. 34) days), weight at puberty (h1 = 44 (s.e. 17) kg) and age at first conception (h1 = —119 (s.e. 37) days). These three estimates of h1 amounted, respectively to —0106, 0151 and —0·132 of the estimated mean of the parental breeds.
F-tests on the extra variation due to fitting model 1 after model 2 were not significant (P < 0·05) indicating that epistasis or other genetic effects, not included in model 2, were of little importance for the traits studied.