The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), through the National Research Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (CENARGEN), created the National Research Programme for Genetic Resources in 1974, but at that time only plant resources were included. A few years ago, the need for conservation of animal genetic resources in Brazil became clear, and the lack of necessary documentation and evaluation was recognized. Finally, in 1981, CENARGEN decided to include animal genetic resources in its Research Programme. In the case ofcattle, actions are being taken to save the “Criollo” before it is too late as it is rapidly disappearing by indiscriminate crossbreeding. There is already considerable information on the “'local” livestock breeds, strains and varieties in Brazil. A number of these breeds, strains or varieties that are in danger of extinction have been identified, and are being documented and specifically evaluated, particularly to determine if they possess any unique or special inherited characteristic that would warrant their conservation. Until such evaluation is completed, steps are being taken to ensure preservation of these populations. More recently, the programme ineluded other species such as: buffaloes, pigs, sheep, goats, horses and donkeys.