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Preparing your materials

The editors of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LAW & MEDICINE (AJLM) encourage the submission of manuscripts on a wide range of medico-legal topics. Acceptable subjects include health law and policy; legal, ethical, social and economic aspects of medical practice, education and research; health insurance; and other issues involving the relationship of the life sciences to the social sciences and humanities. AJLM is interdisciplinary. Submissions from specialists in all healthcare-related disciplines are welcomed.

Please direct inquiries to:

765 Commonwealth Avenue,
Boston University School of Law,
Suite 1672,
Massachusetts 02215.
Email: [email protected]

Manuscript Preparation

When preparing papers for the AJLM, authors should observe the following:

  • Manuscripts should focus on an area of health law.
  • Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word.
  • Text should be double-spaced throughout (including notes, references, and quoted material).
  • Manuscripts should aim for 20,000 words but longer or shorter pieces will be considered.
  • Manuscripts should be styled in accordance with the AJLM Style Guide.


Authors must use footnotes. Footnotes must be numbered consecutively and double-spaced. All footnotes should conform to the Uniform System of Citation (the Bluebook), available at See the AJLM Style Guide for more detail. Those unfamiliar with this system should follow the citation form accepted in their discipline. When a paper is accepted, the editors will work with the author to convert the footnotes into the proper form.


All figures, diagrams, and tables must be camera-ready. The editors will not create figures, diagrams, or tables. They must be created as separate electronic files. If you have questions about suitability, contact the editorial office. Figures, diagrams, and tables should be given individual title and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Indicate in the text or margin of your manuscript the most appropriate location for each figure .

Manuscript Submission

When you are ready to submit your manuscript, please follow the instructions for submission found here.