Some eleven years ago, about three miles outside of Lebanon, Oregon, on the north side of an extension of the foothillsof the Cascade Range, a rancher, in cleaning out his spring, discovered a fossilized bone of a large mammal. In response to his communication, Dr. S. B. Laughlin of the Department of Sociology at Willamette University, in Salem, went to the site with Professor Monk and Professor Clark, and carried out an excavation. Part of a mammoth tooth was found, a portion of a tusk, and a small bone chisel made from the rib of a mammal perhaps the size of a deer.
This locality was called to the attention of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Oregon by Professor Laughlin's son within the past year; and in May, he and Cressman, with a number of assistants, went to the site to carry out further excavations.