Published online by Cambridge University Press: 25 January 2017
In gathering data for this paper it was discovered that publications containing information on the subject have described inadequately specimens found, especially in regard to the materials of which they are composed and their sources. For example, in describing arrowheads made of obsidian the sizes and shapes have been dealt with at great length, but the writers have neglected to state the qualities of the obsidian itself, viz., whether it was mottled, opaque, black, etc. Metates likewise have been described as being made of granite, limestone, sandstone, and lava, most writers deeming that information sufficient. Such a description is not enough, and ultimately it may lead to a false interpretation of the data gathered. A single example may suffice to show what may occur. In a very well known publication dealing with archaeology in the Northern Periphery, metates of granite have been reported from near Willard, Utah.