The first part of the book includes introductory concepts and background necessary for the understanding of anomalous diffusion in disordered media.
Fractals might be familiar to most readers, but their importance in modeling disordered and random media, as well as certain characteristics of the trails made by diffusing particles, makes it worthwhile to spend some time reviewing the subject. In Chapter 1 we provide working definitions of fractals, fractal dimensions, self-affine fractals, and related ideas. More importantly, we describe several algorithms for determining whether a particular object is a fractal, and for finding its fractal dimension. In the early days of fractal theory much effort was spent on merely exploring the fractal properties of various natural objects and physical models, using precisely such algorithms, and they continue to be essential tools for the study of disordered phenomena.
Percolation, which is reviewed in Chapter 2, is perhaps the most important model of disordered media and of naturally occurring fractals. Percolation owes its enormous appeal to its simplicity (it can be defined and analyzed using only geometrical concepts), its remarkably wide range of applications, and its being one of the most basic models of critical phase transitions. Relevant to our purpose is the fact that studies of anomalous diffusion have traditionally focused on percolation systems, and the problem still attracts considerable interest. The percolation transition, on the other hand, gives us an excellent opportunity to introduce several useful concepts, such as critical exponents, scaling, and the upper critical dimension.
In Chapter 3 we present a brief introduction to random-walk theory. Discrete random walks (in regular lattices) are discussed first, then diffusion and the diffusion equation are obtained as limiting cases.