The wave function
Before beginning to describe the quantum theory of measurement, we shall discuss briefly the main concepts of quantum mechanics. Readers familiar with quantum mechanics may skip this section and go on to section 2.2.
Consider, as a pedagogical aid, a classical particle that can move only along the x direction. For example, it might be a bead on an infinite needle. If we know at any moment of time the values of two numbers, the particle's position and momentum, then we can compute from them all other features of the particle's motion: the forces acting on it, its resulting acceleration, etc. In other words, this pair of numbers, the position and momentum, completely define the state of the classical particle at the chosen moment of time. Similarly, for three-dimensional motion the state is defined by six numbers: the three spatial coordinates x, y, z and the three corresponding components of the momentum px, py, pz.
A quantum object, with its dual particle-like and wave-like properties, is much more complex than a classical particle. Interferometric experiments (chapter I) show that the object can be spread out over some region of space, or for the bead on a needle, over an interval of x.