The problem of quantum state reduction
The fundamental problem of quantum mechanics, as that theory is presently understood, is to make sense of the reduction of the state vector (i.e. collapse of the wave function), denoted here by R. This issue is usually addressed in terms of the ‘quantum measurement problem’, which is to comprehend how, upon measurement of a quantum system, this (seemingly) discontinuous R-process can come about. A measurement, after all, merely consists of the quantum state under consideration becoming entangled with a more extended part of the physical universe, e.g. with a measuring apparatus. This measuring apparatus – together with the observing physicist and their common environment – should, according to conventional understanding, all also have some quantum description. Accordingly, there should be a quantum description of this entire quantum state, involving not only the original system under consideration but also the apparatus, physicist, and remaining environment – and this entire state would be expected to evolve continuously, solely according to the Schrödinger equation (unitary evolution), here denoted by the symbol U.
Numerous different attitudes to R have been expressed over many years, ever since quantum mechanics was first clearly formulated. The most influential viewpoint has been the ‘Copenhagen interpretation’ of Niels Bohr, according to which the state vector │ψ〉 is not to be taken seriously as describing a quantum-level physical reality, but is to be regarded as merely referring to our (maximal) ‘knowledge’ of a physical system, and whose ultimate role is simply to provide us with a means to calculate probabilities when a measurement is performed on the system.