Within the Landauer approach to conduction discussed in the previous chapter, electron interactions have been included only at the mean-field level. This is quite a strong approximation, especially in nanojunctions, where large current densities are common. I therefore want to go beyond this level of description.
I can follow two different routes. (1) I can develop a functional theory of quantum correlations via time-dependent effective single-particle equations, as I will do in Chapter 7 where I will use dynamical density-functional theories within the micro-canonical approach to conduction. (2) I can try to solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation 1.16 – or its mixed-state version, the Liouville-von Neumann equation 1.60 – directly.
Written this way, this last proposition seems hopeless. In reality, we can employ a many-body technique, known as the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism (NEGF), also referred to as the Keldysh formalism (Keldysh, 1964; Kadanoff and Baym, 1962), which allows us, at least in principle, to do just that: solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for an interacting many-body system exactly, from which one can, in principle, calculate the time-dependent current. This is done by solving equations of motion for specific time-dependent single-particle Green's functions, from which the physical properties of interest, such as the charge and current densities, can be obtained.
I have stressed the term “time-dependent” several times, because, as I will show in a moment, the NEGF is “exact” only when one solves the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for a closed quantum system, subject to deterministic perturbations: the system is closed but not necessarily isolated. These perturbations may drive the system far away from its initial state of thermodynamic equilibrium (Keldysh, 1964).