June 1996, “Cyclic Never-Endings”
Yes, yes, I like Montréal! Does that finally answer your question? The only thing I really miss about the states is having a swarm of good physicists around me.
El Jeffy 1:You know, I really miss listen to you babble about quantum mechanics. Nobody around any more to tell me that the moon isn't there when I'm not looking; you even had me believing for a while.
Damn, if I had only stayed there a bit longer…perhaps you would have remained a true believer!
August 1996, “Laws of Thought”
[Referring to the phrase “Quantum Mechanics is a Law of Thought.”:]
El Jeffy 2:I was just reading about the mathematician George Boole, the guy who invented Boolean Algebra. In 1854 he published a book called An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, on which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilities. Is that where your lovely little phrase comes from?
Yes indeedy, that's exactly where it comes from. Quantum Mechanics is a Law of Thought. God I like the ring of that.
August 1996, “Plagiarists”
El Jeffy 3:I am disappointed in you. I never realized that you plagiarized that from poor ol' Boole. Can't think up your own catch phrase, eh?
I think the phrase bothers me far less when applied to something like Boolean algebra. It still gives me the heebies when you refer to real live physical systems with such terminology.