Electrons and protons have electric charge. Opposite charges attract, and they bind into hydrogen atoms held together by the electromagnetic force. The hydrogen atom has a ground state, an infinite tower of radial excited states for each angular momentum, and an infinite number of orbital angular momenta. The energy levels are modified by spin-orbit forces, all of which are spin-dependent electromagnetic forces. In particle language, the bound state potential is generated from an infinite set of photon exchange diagrams. No finite set of perturbation theory diagrams will give a bound state, so actual calculation of the binding effects is a complicated problem; the fully relativistic bound state problem is not yet solved, even in quantum electrodynamics.
Since quarks have electric charge, they will form “atoms” as well. But quarks of course feel another force, the QCD or color force mediated by gluons. Since the gluon force is considerably stronger than the electromagnetic force, its properties will determine what spectroscopic patterns are expected. From a space-time point of view, a single gluon is like a single photon, but, because of the self-interaction of gluons, multigluon diagrams can lead to quite different properties, and indeed they do.
From the point of view of the spectroscopic rules, the electromagnetic force is very simple. Atoms only form from opposite charges. That a very different result will hold for QCD is suggested by observing that the electromagnetic force is characterized by a U(1) symmetry, while the QCD interaction is characterized by an SU(3) symmetry. The difference leads to the existence of baryons!
Since the QCD force is very complicated, and perturbation theory arguments based on a few diagrams are not expected to give the dominant effects for most bound state questions, we shall describe the situation by writing a few rules, showing that the observed states obey the rules, and motivating the rules from QCD-based arguments.
Confinement of Color, and Color-Singlet Hadrons
The essential point to make is that it is thought that QCD has the property that the potential energy of two colored particles increases approximately linearly with the distance between them.