From atoms to thermodynamics
Imagine a box, a cube 10 cm on each edge, with 1022 atoms of helium gas in it. The atoms share among them some total energy U; say, 2 × 106 ergs, which cannot change because the box is isolated from the rest of the world. Inside the box the atoms fly around, banging into each other or the walls, exchanging energy and momentum. If there is only one atom in the box, and we know how it started out, we might imagine being able to calculate its precise trajectory for a while, predicting just where it would end up at some later time. If there are twenty atoms, the same job becomes horribly more complicated. With 1022 atoms it is obviously hopeless. Moreover, according to the laws of quantum mechanics, it would not be possible even in principle. If we knew precisely where the atoms were at some time, we could have no idea of how fast they were moving, according to the uncertainty principle. Obviously, a very short time after we start things off, there is not much we can say about what's going on inside the box.
Nevertheless, it is possible to make some very precise statements about the properties of the gas in the box, especially if we allow some time to pass after we start it off. For example, the gas will have some pressure, P, and some temperature, T, and, given the information we already have, these can be predicted with extreme accuracy and confidence. Temperature and pressure are macroscopic or thermodynamic quantities. The problem before us in this section is to describe the connection between these (predictable) thermodynamic quantities and the (unpredictable) microscopic quantities that somehow give rise to them.