Ferguson's Residence, 1761.—In Kent's London Directory for the year 1761, is inserted the following entry of his residence,—viz.
In 1761 it would appear, from an advertisement at the foot of one of his publications of this year, that he either had a residence in Red-Lion Court, Fleet Street, London, or had a room in that Court as a Glass-room. A quarto work published by Ferguson early in 1761, entitled, “A Plain Method of Determining the Parallax of Venus” has the following at foot of title-page:—“London: Printed for, and sold by the Author, in Red-Lion Court, Opposite Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street.”
Pamphlet on the Parallax of Venus, published in quarto. —This pamphlet, published by Ferguson early in 1761, is a thin quarto of 54 pages, with 4 illustrative folding-plates, shows how to determine the Parallax of Venus by the then forthcoming transit of that planet over the Sun's disc, calculated to take place on June 6th, 1761; and consequently, the Distances of all the Planets from the Sun. This work is now very scarce; the title is as follows :—
“ A Plain Method of determining the Parallax of Venus by her Transit over the Sun, and from thence, by Analogy, the Parallax and Distance of the Sun, and of all the rest of the Planets. By James Ferguson. London; Printed for and sold by the Author, in Red-Lion Court, Opposite Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street; and also by Mr. Millar, Bookseller in the Strand; Mr. Nairn, Optician, near the Royal Exchange; and Mr. Watkins, Optician, near Charing Cross, MDCCLXI.”