DISLIN is owned by the Max Planck Institute, for Solar System Research, Lindau, Germany.
Doxygen is an open-source program maintained by Dimitri van Heesch.
GNU, gcc, and gfortran are trademarks ofthe Free Software Foundation.
gnuplot is a plot program developed and maintained by the Free Software Foundation.
Intel Fortran is a trademark of Intel.
Interacter is a trademark of Interactive Services Ltd.
Java is a trademark of Oracle.
Linux is a trademark handled by the Linux Mark Institute.
Mac OSX is a trademark of Apple.
MATLAB is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.
McCabe IQ is a trademark ofMcCabe Software.
MS Visual Studio and MS Windows are trademarks of MicroSoft.
MySQL is an open source project at http://www.mysql.com.
Perl is a dynamic programming language. Its home page is http://www.perl.org.
PGI CUDA is a trademark of The Portland Group and NVIDIA.
PLplot is an open source project at http://plplot.sf.net.
PostScript and PDF are trademarks of Adobe.
Python is a dynamic programming language. Its home page is http://www.python.org.
ROBODoc is an open-source program maintained by Frank Slothouber.
SQLite is an open-source database management, residing at http://www.sqlite.org.
Tcl is a dynamic programming language developed and maintained by the Tcl Association. Tk is a user-interface library that can be used with Tcl and other languages. The home page for both is http://www.tcl.tk.
Xeffort is developed and maintained by Jugoslav Dujic.