Our basic study of computability has been designed so that it could serve as a stepping stone to more advanced or more detailed study in any of several directions. In this brief postlude, we shall mention some of the areas in which further study could be pursued, and we offer some suggestions for further reading. The divisions below are not hard and fast, and there are many interrelations between the various areas we mention.
Computability Further study of the theoretical notion of computability (the starting point of this book) could be pursued in two directions: (a) more detailed examination of other equivalent approaches to computability (which we surveyed in chapter 3); (b) examination of more restricted notions of effective computability, involving, for instance, finite automata and similar devices.
Some references (several historical) for (a) were given in chapter 3. For both (a) and (b) we suggest the books of Minsky [1967] (a very comprehensive treatment), Arbib [1969], or Engeler [1973].
Recursion theory We use this traditional title under which to mention more advanced ideas arising out of the notion of computability on ℕ, such as we began to pursue in chapters 7, and 9 to 11. Specific areas include:
Hierarchies: there are various ways to extend the sequence beginning ‘recursive, r.e., …’ to obtain a hierarchy of kinds of set, each kind of set having more difficult decision problem than the preceding one. Among the important hierarchies that have been studied are the arithmetic hierarchy, the hyperarithmetic hierarchy, and the analytical hierarchy.
Reducibilities and degrees: between ≤m and ≤T there is a spectrum of reducibilities that could be investigated. For the student wishing to delve further into Turing reducibility, the next step would be to master a proof of the Friedberg-Muchnik solution to Post's problem, before proceeding to further results and proofs in this area, some of which we mentioned in chapter 9.