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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
October 2017
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The discovery of a duality between Anti-de Sitter spaces (AdS) and Conformal Field Theories (CFT) has led to major advances in our understanding of quantum field theory and quantum gravity. String theory methods and AdS/CFT correspondence maps provide new ways to think about difficult condensed matter problems. String theory methods based on the AdS/CFT correspondence allow us to transform problems so they have weak interactions and can be solved more easily. They can also help map problems to different descriptions, for instance mapping the description of a fluid using the Navier–Stokes equations to the description of an event horizon of a black hole using Einstein's equations. This textbook covers the applications of string theory methods and the mathematics of AdS/CFT to areas of condensed matter physics. Bridging the gap between string theory and condensed matter, this is a valuable textbook for students and researchers in both fields.


'This book is an excellent reference for students willing to bridge the gap between condensed matter physics and gravity by using holography.'

Juan Maldacena - Institute for Advanced Study, New Jersey

'A nice survey of holographic techniques applied to condensed matter systems. It should provide a smooth entryway to novices desiring to work in this fascinating field.'

Diego Trancanelli - Universidade de São Paulo

'In this, his second book on applied string theory, Nastase gives a wonderfully telescopic account of one of the most exhilarating developments in the field: holographic condensed matter. In 48 chapters, he takes the reader from the very basics of condensed matter and string theory right up to the very latest progress. With a number of well-constructed exercises in addition to detailed computations, it has a little bit for everyone from graduate students of both high energy and condensed matter physics to seasoned researchers looking to expand their horizons.'

Jeff Murugan - University of Cape Town

'The gauge/gravity duality, which arose from studies in string theory in the late 1990s, is one of the most important modern tools to understand the behavior of quantum field theories at strong coupling. This book builds a bridge between the physics of condensed matter systems and the string theory ideas that can be used to understand them better. The book will be very useful both for students of condensed matter physics that want to apply the gauge/gravity duality to their field as well as for string theory students who want to understand better the connections between string theory and condensed matter systems.'

David Berenstein - University of California

'In this ambitious advanced textbook, Horaţiu Năstase, a member of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the State University of São Paulo, Brazil, aims to introduce graduate students and researchers to the application of string theory to condensed-matter physics. String Theory Methods for Condensed Matter Physics assumes previous graduate coursework in quantum field theory and some knowledge of solid-state physics and general relativity. However, Năstase writes that he intends for the book to be accessible to readers who are just beginning to learn about string theory and its relation to condensed matter. Each chapter includes exercises and a summary of important concepts.'

Melinda Baldwin Source: Physics Today

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