1.2Overview of spending on health in the countries in this volume, 2017
1.3Examples of measures to ensure voluntary private health insurance is accessible, affordable and offers quality coverage
3.1Private health insurance claims ratios and average monthly revenues in Brazil according to insurer size, 2009 and 2016
3.2Private health insurance coverage among Brazilian population by income quintile, 1998–2013
3.3Regional private health insurance coverage rates in Brazil by region (% of regional population), 2000–2016 (selected years)
5.1User charges for publicly financed health care in France, 2016
5.3Key features of the French private health insurance market, 2014
6.1Development and regulation of private health insurance in Germany and Chile, 1970–2016
6.2Health status and health care use among the publicly and privately insured in Germany, 2006
6.3Characteristics, health status and health care use among the publicly and privately insured in Chile, 2006
7.1Maximum permitted waiting periods for private health insurance benefits in Ireland before 2015
8.1Breakdown of private health care expenditure in Israel, 2013
8.2Key features of the National Health Insurance and private health insurance in Israel, 2017
8.3Share of the adult population (22+) with private health insurance in Israel, 1999–2016
8.4Development of supplemental and commercial insurance markets in Israel, 1933–2017
9.1Health financing indicators in Japan, Republic of Korea and Taiwan, China, 2015
9.2Organization of the health systems in Japan, Republic of Korea and Taiwan, China, 2016
9.3Key features of the private health insurance markets in Japan, Republic of Korea and Taiwan, China, 2016
10.1Total expenditure on health in Kenya, 2001/2002 to 2012/2013
10.2National Hospital Insurance Fund revenues from contributions and benefits paid out in Kenya, 2008/2009 to 2014/2015
10.3Distribution of insured people by the type of health insurance coverage and region in Kenya, 2013
10.4Private health insurance market structure and regulation in Kenya, 2016
10.5Range of premiums for private health insurance charged by selected insurance companies in Kenya, 2016
11.1Health insurance population shares in the Netherlands (%), 1990–2005 (selected years)
11.2Overview of policy changes in the 1990s introducing some competition in statutory health insurance in the Netherlands
11.3Trends in consumer behaviour in the Netherlands, 2006–2015
11.4The development of nominal premium and income-related contribution rates in the Netherlands, 2008–2015
13.1Benefit expenditure by registered medical schemes in South Africa, 2014
14.1History of popular ballots and legislative reforms in the field of federal health insurance in Switzerland, 1900–2014
14.2Main differences between statutory health insurance and private voluntary insurance in Switzerland