Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- List of plates
- Preface
- Short Titles and Abbreviations
- Introduction
- The Correspondence
- 1296. Calverley Pinckney to Newton, 6 August 1718
- 1297. C. Stanhope to Newton, 12 August 1718
- 1298. Newton to Varignon, [29 August 1718]
- 1299. C. Stanhope to Newton, 7 October 1718
- 1300. Newton to Varignon, 13 October 1718
- 1301. Newton to the Treasury, 14 October 1718
- 1302. Observations Upon the State of the Coins of Gold and Silver, 20 October 1718
- 1303. Monmort to Keill, c. 31 October 1718
- 1304. Varignon to Newton, 6 November 1718
- 1305. Newton to Varignon, ?End of 1718
- 1306. Newton to Humphrey Wanley, 24 November 1718
- 1307. Monmort to Brook Taylor, 7 December 1718
- 1308. Sir Charles Godolphin to Newton, 17 December 1718
- 1309. Lowndes to Newton, 20 December 1718
- 1310. Robert Smith to Newton, 23 December 1718
- 1311. W. Newton to Newton, 4 February 1719
- 1312. Thompson and Newton to the Treasury, 11 February 1719
- 1313. Lowndes to Newton, 15 April 1719
- 1314. Newton Chapman to Newton, 16 April 1719
- 1314A. Newton's Aunt to Newton, n.d.
- 1315. Newton to the Treasury, 21 April 1719
- 1316. Taylor to Keill, 26 April 1719
- 1317. Taylor to Jones, 5 May 1719
- 1318. Arnold to Chamberlayne, 16 May 1719
- 1319. Lowndes to Newton, 4 June 1719
- 1320. J. Bernoulli to Newton, 24 June 1719
- 1321. Keill to Newton, 24 June 1719
- 1322. W. Stockwood to Newton, 15 July 1719
- 1323. Varignon to Newton, 15 July 1719
- 1324. James Stirling to Newton, 6 August 1719
- 1325. Newton to the Treasury, 12 August 1719
- 1326. Francis Hall to Newton, 2 September 1719
- 1327. Pinckney to Newton, 5 September 1719
- 1328. Albert Henri de Sallengre to Newton, 11 September 1719
- 1329. Newton to Varignon, 29 September 1719
- 1329a. Newton to J. Bernoulli, 29 September 1719
- 1329b. Newton to Fontenelle, ?Autumn 1719
- 1330. Newton to [Des Maizeaux], November 1719
- 1331. Catherine Conduitt to Newton, 16 November 1719
- 1332. J. Bernoulli to Newton, 10 December 1719
- 1333. Newton to J. Bernoulli, Early 1720
- 1334. Newton to ?De Moivre, ?Early 1720
- 1335. The Ordnance to the Mint, 23 February 1720
- 1336. Tilson to Newton, 5 April 1720
- 1337. Newton to the Treasury, 12 April 1720
- 1338. Varignon to Newton, ?May 1720
- 1339. Des Maizeaux to Newton, 4 June 1720
- 1340. The Mint to the Treasury, 5 July 1720
- 1341. Newton to the Lords Justices, c. July 1720
- 1342. Newton to Fauquier, 27 July 1720
- 1343. Robert Smith to Newton, 12 August 1720
- 1344. Des Maizeaux to Conti, 11 September 1720
- 1345. Charles Delafaye to Newton, 11 October 1720
- 1346. Newton to Delafaye, October 1720
- 1347. Newton to James Craggs, 24 October 1720
- 1348. Varignon to Newton, 17 November 1720
- 1349. James Wilson to Newton, 15 December 1720
- 1350. Sebastien Truchet to Newton, ?1721
- 1351. C. Stanhope to Newton and Bladen, 7 January 1721
- 1352. Richard Howletson to Newton, 16 January 1721
- 1353. Newton to Varignon, 19 January 1721
- 1354. Newton to Varignon, ?1721
- 1355. Wilson to Newton, 21 January 1721
- 1356. Varignon to Des Maizeaux, 31 January 1721
- 1357. Varignon to J. Bernoulli, 5 February 1721
- 1358. Newton to the Treasury, 1 March 1721
- 1359. Des Maizeaux to Varignon, 30 March 1721
- 1360. Conti to Des Maizeaux, 21 April 1721
- 1361. Conti to Taylor, 11 May 1721
- 1362. Newton to Levinus Vincent, c. May 1721
- 1363. Newton to Varignon, Early August 1721
- 1364. 'sGravesande to Newton, 7 August 1721
- 1365. Pierre Coste to Newton, 16 August 1721
- 1366. Conti to Des Maizeaux, 21 August 1721
- 1367. Taylor to Keill, 26 August 1721
- 1368. Elizabeth Johnson to Newton, 2 September 1721
- 1369. Varignon to Newton, 7 September 1721
- 1370. Henri François Daguesseau to Newton, 17 September 1721
- 1371. Varignon to Newton, 21 September 1721
- 1372. Newton to Varignon, 26 September 1721
- 1373. Katherine Rastall to Newton, 7 October 1721
- 1374. Varignon to J. Bernoulli, 10/11 October 1721
- 1375. The Treasury to Newton, 11 October 1721
- 1376. Burchett to Newton, 11 October 1721
- 1377. Newton to Burchett, ?October 1721
- 1378. Newton to the Treasury, 20 October 1721
- 1379. Du Quet to Newton, ?October 1721
- 1380. Warrant to Newton, 1 November 1721
- 1381. Varignon to Newton, 28 November 1721
- 1382. Littleton Powys to Newton & Clarke, 14 December 1721
- 1383. Newton and Sydenham to the Treasury, c. 19 December 1721
- 1384. Warren to Newton, 19 December 1721
- 1385. Varignon to Newton, ?2 January 1722
- 1386. William Blundel to Newton, 17 January 1722
- 1387. J. Baynes to Newton, 21 January 1722
- 1388. Robert Walpole to the Mint, 8 February 1722
- 1389. Newton to the Treasury, 14 March 1722
- 1390. Varignon to Newton, 24 March 1722
- 1390a. Varignon to J. Bernoulli, March 1722
- 1391. Varignon to Newton, 17 April 1722
- 1392. Newton to the Treasury, 26 June 1722
- 1393. Newton and Bladen to the Treasury, 26 June 1722
- 1394. Newton to the Treasury, 26 June 1722
- 1395. Newton to Varignon, ?July 1722
- 1396. Varignon to Newton, 24 July 1722
- 1397. Newton to the South Sea Company, 8 August 1722
- 1398. Samuel Bull to Newton, 14 September 1722
- 1399. Newton to the Treasury, 18 October 1722
- 1400. Newton to Jacques-Antoine Arlaud, 22 October 1722
- 1401. Newton to Varignon, c. October 1722
- 1402. Fontenelle to Newton, 11 November 1722
- 1403. Newton to the Treasury, 21 January 1723
- 1404. J. Bernoulli to Newton, 26 January 1723
- 1405. Philippe Naude to Newton, 26 January 1723
- 1406. Augustine Tampyan to Newton, 3 April 1723
- 1407. Mary and Ann Davies to Newton, 28 April 1723
- 1408. Burchett to Newton, 2 July 1723
- 1409. Tilson to Newton, 3 August 1723
- 1410. Tilson to Newton, 12 September 1723
- 1411. Newton to the Treasury, 13 September 1723
- 1412. Tilson to Cracherode, 18 September 1723
- 1413. Henry Pemberton to Newton, ?October 1723
- 1414. Pemberton to Newton, ?November 1723
- 1415. Pemberton to Newton, ?November 1723
- 1416. Pemberton to Newton, ?December 1723
- 1417. Charles Rawson to Newton, 31 December 1723
- 1418. J. C. F. Von Hatzfeld to Newton, [1723 or 1724]
- 1419. Newton to Johann Burchard Mencke, 1724
- 1420. Pemberton to Newton, ?January 1724
- 1421. Pemberton to Newton, 11 February 1724
- 1422. Pemberton to Newton, 18 February 1724
- 1423. Lauderdale to Newton, 27 February 1724
- 1424. Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli to Newton, 29 February 1724
- 1425. Newton to Lauderdale, 18 March 1724
- 1426. Pemberton to Newton, ?March 1724
- 1427. Joseph-Nicolas Delisle to Newton, 22 March 1724
- 1428. Fatio to Newton, 1 April 1724
- 1429. Newton to Delisle, ?April 1724
- 1430. John Scrope to Newton, 10 April 1724
- 1431. Newton to the Treasury, 13 April 1724
- 1432. Newton to the Treasury, 13 April 1724
- 1433. The Treasury to the Mint, 21 April 1724
- 1434. Newton, Southwell and Scrope to the Treasury, 27 April 1724
- 1435. Haynes to Newton, 29 April 1724
- 1436. Guillaume Cavelier to Newton, 30 April 1724
- 1437. Scrope to Newton, 11 May 1724
- 1438. Newton to the Treasury, 18 May 1724
- 1439. Pemberton to Newton, ?May 1724
- 1440. Marsigli to Newton, ?May 1724
- 1441. Newton to the Treasury, 18 June 1724
- 1442. Burchett to Newton, 4 August 1724
- 1443. Pemberton to Newton, ?August 1724
- 1444. Newton to Townshend, 25 August 1724
- 1445. Pemberton to Newton, ?September 1724
- 1446. Newton to the Treasury, 5 October 1724
- 1447. Pemberton to Newton, ?October 1724
- 1448. Pemberton to Newton, ?November 1724
- 1449. Newton to Halley, 3 December 1724
- 1450. Delisle to Newton, 10 December 1724
- 1451. Pemberton to Newton, ?December 1724
- 1451a. Pemberton's Queries on Principia, 2nd Edition, pp. 321-60
- 1452. Newton to a Duke, 14 December 1724
- 1453. Newton to Delisle, ?January 1725
- 1454. Pemberton to Newton, ?January 1725
- 1455. Halley to Newton, 16 February 1725
- 1456. Newton to Thomas Mason, ?February 1725
- 1457. Pemberton to Newton, ?February 1725
- 1458. Pemberton to Newton, ?February 1725
- 1458a. Pemberton's Queries on Principia, 2nd Edition, pp. 364-84
- 1458b. The Enclosed Paper
- 1459. Newton to John Armstrong, ?Early 1725
- 1460. Newton to Halley, 1 March 1725
- 1461. Cavelier to Newton, 9 March 1725
- 1462. Pemberton to Newton, ?April 1725
- 1462a. Pemberton's Queries on Principia, 2nd Edition, pp.389-426
- 1463. J. T. Desaguliers to Newton, 29 April 1725
- 1464. Newton to Percival, 12 May 1725
- 1465. Newton to Mason, 12 May 1725
- 1466. George Needham to Newton, 16 May 1725
- 1467. Pemberton to Newton, ?May 1725
- 1468. Pemberton to Newton, 17 May 1725
- 1469. Newton to Cavelier, 27 May 1725
- 1470. Pemberton to Newton, 31 May 1725
- 1470a. Pemberton's Queries on Principia, 2nd Edition, pp.464-74
- 1471. Richard Pindar to Newton, 9 June 1725
- 1472. Pemberton to Newton, 22 June 1725
- 1473. Pemberton to Newton, 17 July 1725
- 1474. Burchett to Newton, 12 August 1725
- 1475. Newton to Colin Maclaurin, 21 August 1725
- 1476. Newton to the Admiralty, 26 August 1725
- 1477. Claude Jombert to Newton, 1 September 1725
- 1478. Scrape to the Mint, 23 September 1725
- 1479. Newton to the Treasury, 4 October 1725
- 1480. Chapman to Newton, 23 October 1725
- 1481. Colin Maclaurin to Newton, 25 October 1725
- 1482. Newton to John Campbell, c. November 1725
- 1483. Newton to the Treasury, 10 November 1725
- 1484. Rawson to Newton, 31 December 1725
- 1485. Johann Peter Biester to Newton, 1 February 1726
- 1486. Pemberton to Newton, 9 February 1726
- 1487. Du Quet to Newton, 28 March 1726
- 1488. Newton to Mason, 10 May 1726
- 1489. Henry Jackson to Newton, 8 June 1726
- 1490. Newton to John Conduitt, 25 June 1726
- 1491. Newton to Fontenelle, ?June 1726. For the answer see Letter 1492
- 1492. Fontenelle to Newton, 3 July 1726. Reply to Letter 1491
- 1493. Newton to Scrope, August 1726
- 1494. Scrope to the Mint, 16 August 1726
- 1495. Newton to the King Autumn, 1726
- 1496. Haynes to Newton, 6 September 1726
- 1497. J. F. Bachstrohm to Newton, 21 October 1726
- 1498. Newton to Mason, 4 February 1727
- 1499. Mason to John Conduitt, 23 March 1727
- Undated Correspondence
- 1500. Newton to Pierre Allix, n.d.
- 1501. Newton to Conrade de Gols, n.d.
- 1502. Newton to Gardiner, n.d.
- 1503. Newton to ?Robert Gayer, n.d.
- 1504. Newton to Janssen, n.d.
- 1505. Newton to John Lacy, n.d.
- 1506. Newton to ?Sir John Newton, n.d.
- 1507. Newton to John Newton, n.d.
- 1508. Newton to ?Oldenburg, n.d.
- 1509. Newton to Proctor, n.d.
- 1510. Newton to _____ ____, n.d.
- 1511. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1512. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1513. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1514. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1515. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1516. Newton to a Nobleman, n.d.
- 1516A. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1517. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1518. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1519. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1520. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1521. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1522. John Arnold to Newton, 20 March. Original
- 1523. Arnold to Newton, 6 November. Original
- 1524. Arnold to Newton, 14 April. Original
- 1525. Arnold to Newton, 22 May. Original
- 1526. Arnold to Newton, 5 November. Original
- 1527. Isaac Banastre to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1528. Catherine Barton to Newton, n.d.
- 1529. A Compositor to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1530. A Compositor to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1531. A Compositor to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1532. Robert Corbey to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1533. Francis Cressener to Newton, n.d.
- 1534. Cressener to Newton, n.d.
- 1535. Cressener to Newton, n.d.
- 1536. Isaac Davies to Newton, n.d.
- 1537. Felix de Alvarado to Newton, n.d.
- 1538. P [eter] Gardner to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1539. Peter Gartner to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1540. R[obert] Gayer to Newton, 5 April. Original
- 1541. Bartholomew Goodday to Newton, n.d.
- 1542. Daniel Harrison to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1543. ?Hickstan to Newton, n.d. Original (Latin)
- 1544. William Howard to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1545. J. Leon to Newton, n.d. Original (Latin)
- 1546. Edmund Longbridge to Newton, n.d.
- 1547. Joseph Morland to Newton, n.d.
- 1548. Thomas Sampson to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1549. Hannah Tonstall to Newton, n.d. Original (highly illiterate)
- 1550. Joseph Trevor to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1551. Margaret Warner to Newton, 19 January. Original (torn)
- 1552. George Watson to Newton, n.d.
- 1553. _____ to Newton, n.d. Original
- Appendix I. Additions and Corrections to Earlier Volumes
- 110. Newton to Collins, 20 May 1673
- X.132. Newton to Oldenburg, Late January 1674/5
- 166. Collins to Oldenburg For Leibniz, 14 June 1676
- X.205. Newton to the Master and Fellows of St Catharine's College, Cambridge, ?1677
- X.240. Newton to Sir Robert Markham, ?June 1680
- <463>. Fatio to Newton, 24 February 1689/90
- X.353. Fatio to Newton, 17 April 1690
- 392. Newton to Wallis, 27 August 1692
- 395. Fatio to Newton, 17 September 1692
- 396. Newton to Fatio, 21 September 1692
- 397. Fatio to Newton, 22 September 1692
- <395>. Fatio to Newton, 17 November 1692
- <396>. Newton to Fatio, 21 November 1692
- <397>. Fatio to Newton, 22 November 1692
- X.388.1. Newton to _____, ?1692
- X.398.2. Newton to Wallis, Late 1692
- <392>. Newton to Wallis, Winter 1692/3
- <464>. Fatio to Newton, 11 April 1693
- 417. Memoranda by Gregory, 30 June 1693
- 427. Newton to Leibniz, 16 October 1693
- X.436. Newton to _____, c. 1693
- 457. Newton to Buswell, ?June 1694
- 532. Halley to Newton, 28 September 1695
- 538. Newton to Halley, late October 1695
- <559>. Newton to the Treasury, 25 May 1696
- 550. The Mint to the Treasury, 8 June 1696
- 553. Newton to the Treasury, July/August 1696
- 557. Newton and Neale to the Treasury, 10 December 1696
- 559. Newton to the Treasury, ?1696
- X.560. Thomas Neale to the Treasury, 15 January 1696/7
- X.566. Newton to Halley, 21 June 1697
- X.571. The Mint to the Chester Mint, ?August 1697
- X.574. Newton to the Chester Mint, ?September 1697
- X.577. Newton to Halley, 25 December 1697
- X.584. Newton to Weddell, 10 March 1697/8
- <761>. Newton to the Governor of Chester Castle, 16 April 1698
- X.591.1. The Mint to the Treasury, 18 August 1698
- X.591.2. The Mint to the Treasury, 20 August 1698
- X.593. John Blackwell to ?Newton, 8 October 1698
- X.595. Blackwell to ?Newton, 24 October 1698
- X.596.1. Blackwell to Newton, 12 November 1698
- X.596.2. William Nabb to ?Newton, Late 1698
- X.596.3. Blackwell to ?Newton, 28 November 1698
- X.596.4. Isaac Wallington to Newton, 3 December 1698
- . Representation From the Mint to the Treasury, December 1698
- X.606.1. Thomas Carter to Newton, ?Late January 1698/9
- X.606.2. Carter to Newton, ?Late January 1698/9
- X.606.3. John Ignatius Lawson to Newton, ?Late January 1698/9
- X.606.4. John Whitfield to Newton, 25 January 1698/9
- X.606.5. Whitfield to Newton, 9 February 1698/9
- X.606.6. Lawson to Newton, 9 February 1698/9
- X.606.7. Lawson to Newton, 13 February 1698/9
- X.606.8. Lawson to Newton, ?February 1698/9
- X.606.9. Chaloner to Newton, ?February 1698/9
- X.606.10. Chaloner to Newton, ?February 1698/9
- X.606.11. Carter to Newton, ?March 1698/9
- 607. The Mint to the Treasury, January/March 1698/9
- X.608.1. Rokeby to Newton, 21 March 1699
- X.608.2. Lawson to Newton, 3 April 1699
- X.608.3. John Pyke to Newton, 3 April 1699
- X.610.1. The Mint to the Treasury, 8 April 1699
- X.610.2. Thomas Fowle to the Mint, 27 April 1699
- X.610.3. The Mint to the Treasury, May 1699
- X.612. Newton and Neale to the Treasury, 16 June 1699
- X.613. Roger Jennings to Newton, 30 June 1699
- X.616. Fowle to Newton, ?1699
- <762>. Newton to the Governor of Chester Castle, 23 November 1699
- X.617. Officers of the Ordnance to ?Newton, 2 December 1699
- X.619.1. Newton to _____, ?1699
- X.619.2. Newton to the Treasury, ?Early 1700
- X.626.1. The Mint to the Treasury, 11 May 1700
- X.626.2. The Mint to the Treasury, 25 May 1700
- X.630.1. The Mint to the Treasury, c. January 1700/1
- X.630.2. Newton and Stanley to the Treasury, c. January 1700/1
- X.631.1. Newton and Stanley to the Treasury, 22 January 1700/1
- X.631.2. Newton to the Treasury, ?Late January 1700/1
- X.633.1. The Mint to the Treasury, 2 April 1701
- X.633.2. Newton and Stanley to the Treasury, 19 April 1701
- X.633.3. The Mint to the Treasury, c. April 1701
- X.633.4. The Mint to the Treasury, 30 April 1701
- X.633.5. Newton to the Treasury, 30 April 1701
- X.633.6. Newton and Stanley to the Treasury, 30 April 1701
- X.633.7. The Mint to the Treasury, 7 May 1701
- <643>. Newton to the Treasury, May or June 1701
- X.639. Newton to ?Godolphin, ?July 1701
- 641. Newton to the Treasury, September 1701
- 643. Newton to the Treasury, Late 1701
- X.643.1. The Mint to the Treasury, December 1701
- X.643.2. The Mint to the Treasury, c. end of 1701
- X.643.3. The Mint to the Treasury, 10 December 1701
- X.645.1. The Mint to the Treasury, 18 March 1701/2
- X.645.2. The Mint to the Treasury, 26 March 1702
- X.645.3. John Batchelor to Newton, 4 April 1702
- 647. Newton to Godolphin, 15 April 1702
- X.648. Samuel Garth to Newton, ?April 1702
- <760>. Newton to Halley, 2 June 1702
- X.649.1. Newton to the Treasury, ?June 1702
- X.649.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 30 June 1702
- <647>. Newton to Godolphin, ?Summer 1702
- 650. Mint to Godolphin, 7 July 1702
- X.650.1. Newton to Godolphin, July 1702
- X.650.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 5 August 1702
- <652>. Newton to Godolphin, 20 August 1702
- X.651. The Mint to the Treasury, ?October 1702
- 652. Newton to Godolphin, 16 October 1702
- 654. Newton to ?Lowndes, Late 1702
- 656. Newton to Godolphin, 1702
- 657. The Mint to Godolphin, January 1702/3
- X.657. The Mint to Godolphin, 13 January 1702/3
- 658. Newton to the Treasury, 15 January 1702/3
- X.658. The Mint to Godolphin, 20 January 1702/3
- <663>. Royal Warrant, 10 February 1702/3
- 661. The Treasury to Newton and Others, 22 March 1702/3
- 663. Royal Warrant to Newton, 1702/3
- X.663.1. Commissioners For Prizes to Newton, 21 April 1703
- X.663.2. The Mint to the Treasury, 24 April 1703
- X.664. David Gregory to Newton, 16 May 1703
- 665. Newton to ?Lowndes, 16 June 1703
- X.666. The Mint to Godolphin, 1 September 1703
- 667. Newton to Godolphin, 30 October 1703
- X.667.1. The Mint to Godolphin, 4 November 1703
- X.667.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 9 December 1703
- X.669. Newton to Godolphin, Early 1703/4
- X.672. The Mint to Godolphin, 19 April 1704
- 673. Newton to Godolphin, 15 May 1704
- X.673.1. Lowndes to the Mint, 20 May 1704
- X.673.2. Newton to Guido Grandi, 26 May 1704
- X.673.3. Lowndes to the Mint, 8 August 1704
- 674. The Mint to Godolphin, 23 August 1704
- X.674. A Proposal by Newton Concerning Engraving, 8 September 1704
- <674>. The Mint to Godolphin, 12 October 1704
- X.678. The Mint to Godolphin, 15 November 1704
- X.684. The Mint to Godolphin, 10 January 1704/5
- X.691.1. Newton to _____, c. April 1705
- X.691.2. Newton to ?Halifax, ?April 1705
- X.691.3. Newton to ?Francis Godolphin, ?April 1705
- X.693.1. Newton to Janssen, May 1705
- X.693.2. Newton to Godolphin, ?1705
- X.694.1. Petition From the Mint to the Queen, 25 July 1705
- X.694.2. Stanley to Newton, August/September 1705
- X.703. Peter Le Neve to Newton, c. November 1705
- X.704. William Yarworth to Newton, ?1705
- X.705. The Mint to Godolphin, 2 January 1705/6
- X.707. The Mint to Godolphin, ?1705/6
- X.708.1. Newton to Godolphin, 5 March 1705/6
- X.708.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 10 May 1706
- X.708.3. Newton to ?Samuel Garth, ?6 June 1706
- X.708.4. Newton to the Marquis de Guiscard, 6 June 1706
- X.708.5. The Mint to Godolphin, 20 June 1706
- X.709.1. The Mint to Godolphin, 5 September 1706
- X.709.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 25 September 1706
- X.714. George Yeo to Newton, ?February 1706/7
- X.715.1. Samuel Newton to Newton, 18 March 1706/7
- X.715.2. Lowndes to the Mint, 18 March 1706/7
- X.715.3. The Mint to Godolphin, 24 March 1706/7
- X.715.4. Taylour to the Mint, 3 April 1707
- 717. The Mint to Godolphin, 12 April 1707
- X.722. The Mint to Godolphin, 2 June 1707
- 724. Newton to Godolphin, 24 June 1707
- 725. Newton to the Goldsmiths' Company, June 1707
- 726. The Mint to Godolphin, July 1707
- X.726.1. Taylour to the Mint, 8 July 1707
- X.726.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 9 July 1707
- X.726.3. Newton to ?Seafield, Summer 1707
- <726>. The Mint to Godolphin, 21 July 1707
- X.727.1. Taylour to the Mint, 28 August 1707
- X.727.2. The Mint to Godolphin, August 1707
- X.727.3. James Clark to ?Newton, 9 September 1707
- X.727.4. David Gregory to Newton, 16 September 1707
- 729. Newton to Godolphin, 14 November 1707
- X.729.1. Newton to Gregory, ?15 November 1707
- X.729.2. Newton for Allardes to Godolphin, ?November 1707
- X.734. Thomas Chambers to ?Newton, 30 December 1707
- X.735. Newton to Godolphin, 21 January 1707/8
- X.736. Newton to Godolphin, 11 February 1707/8
- X.738.1. Drummond to Newton, 27 March 1708
- X.738.2. Newton to ?Drummond, April 1708
- X.740.1. Newton to Godolphin, 14 April 1708
- X.740.2. Newton to Godolphin, 14 April 1708
- X.741. Newton to Godolphin, May 1708
- X.742. Lowndes to Newton and Gregory, 23 June 1708
- X.744.1. W. Boswell to Newton, 10 July 1708
- X.744.2. Newton to Godolphin, ?July 1708
- X.748.1. P. Scott to ?Newton, 10 August 1708
- X.748.2. Newton to Seafield, 12 August 170[8]
- X.748.3. Receivers at Edinburgh to Newton, 28 September 1708
- X.748.4. The Mint to Godolphin, 28 December 1708
- X.749.1. A Testimonial by Newton and Halley, 7 January 1708/9
- X.749.2. Lowndes to the Mint, 24 January 1708/9
- X.752.1. Henry Hunt to Newton, February 1708/9
- X.752.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 10 March 1708/9
- X.752.3. Drummond to Newton, 12 March 1708/9
- X.753.1. Newton to Godolphin, 14 March 1708/9
- X.753.2. Lowndes to Newton, 25 March 1709
- X.754.1. Craven Peyton to Newton, 14 April 1709
- X.754.2. Mary Pilkington to Newton, 26 April 1709
- X.755. The Mint to Godolphin, 1 June 1709
- 760. Newton to Frans Burman, 2 June 1702
- 764. The Mint to Godolphin, 10 August 1709
- X.767. Henry Hunt to Newton, October 1709
- X.770. The Mint to Godolphin, 18 January 1709/10
- X.773. J. Blow to Newton, 4 March 1709/10
- 826. Newton to Cotes, 24 March 1710/11
- X.826. Draft of Proposition 37, Book II, For the Second Edition of the Principia, March 1711
- 829. Cotes to Newton, 31 March 1711
- 844. Cotes to Newton, 4 June 1711
- X.880. Newton to ?Bentley, c. November 1711
- X.887. Arbuthnot to Newton, ?Early 1712
- X.945. Newton to Cawood, ?1712
- X.960. Newton to Caspar Neumann, ?1712
- X.1006. Fauquier to Newton, ?July 1713
- 1137. Newton to _____, 22 March 1715
- X.1226. Josiah Burchett to Newton, 2 November 1716
- <654>. Newton to ?Lowndes, ?l717
- X.1234.1. Burchett to Newton, 1 March 1717
- X.1234.2. William Waters to Newton, 4 March 1717
- X.1235. Burchett to Newton, 21 March 1717
- <1137>. Newton to Burchett, 22 March 1717
- X.1248. Burchett to Newton, 19 July 1717
- X.1257. Burchett to Newton, 20 August 1717
- X.1287. Henry Newman to Newton, May 1718
- X.1289. Newton to the Treasury, 10 June 1718
- X.1329. ____ to Newton, October 1719
- X.1339. Waters to Newton, 2 July 1720
- X.1498. ____ to Newton, 7 March 1727
- Appendix II. Newton's Genealogy
- Index
1533. Francis Cressener to Newton, n.d.
from The Correspondence
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 November 2020
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- List of plates
- Preface
- Short Titles and Abbreviations
- Introduction
- The Correspondence
- 1296. Calverley Pinckney to Newton, 6 August 1718
- 1297. C. Stanhope to Newton, 12 August 1718
- 1298. Newton to Varignon, [29 August 1718]
- 1299. C. Stanhope to Newton, 7 October 1718
- 1300. Newton to Varignon, 13 October 1718
- 1301. Newton to the Treasury, 14 October 1718
- 1302. Observations Upon the State of the Coins of Gold and Silver, 20 October 1718
- 1303. Monmort to Keill, c. 31 October 1718
- 1304. Varignon to Newton, 6 November 1718
- 1305. Newton to Varignon, ?End of 1718
- 1306. Newton to Humphrey Wanley, 24 November 1718
- 1307. Monmort to Brook Taylor, 7 December 1718
- 1308. Sir Charles Godolphin to Newton, 17 December 1718
- 1309. Lowndes to Newton, 20 December 1718
- 1310. Robert Smith to Newton, 23 December 1718
- 1311. W. Newton to Newton, 4 February 1719
- 1312. Thompson and Newton to the Treasury, 11 February 1719
- 1313. Lowndes to Newton, 15 April 1719
- 1314. Newton Chapman to Newton, 16 April 1719
- 1314A. Newton's Aunt to Newton, n.d.
- 1315. Newton to the Treasury, 21 April 1719
- 1316. Taylor to Keill, 26 April 1719
- 1317. Taylor to Jones, 5 May 1719
- 1318. Arnold to Chamberlayne, 16 May 1719
- 1319. Lowndes to Newton, 4 June 1719
- 1320. J. Bernoulli to Newton, 24 June 1719
- 1321. Keill to Newton, 24 June 1719
- 1322. W. Stockwood to Newton, 15 July 1719
- 1323. Varignon to Newton, 15 July 1719
- 1324. James Stirling to Newton, 6 August 1719
- 1325. Newton to the Treasury, 12 August 1719
- 1326. Francis Hall to Newton, 2 September 1719
- 1327. Pinckney to Newton, 5 September 1719
- 1328. Albert Henri de Sallengre to Newton, 11 September 1719
- 1329. Newton to Varignon, 29 September 1719
- 1329a. Newton to J. Bernoulli, 29 September 1719
- 1329b. Newton to Fontenelle, ?Autumn 1719
- 1330. Newton to [Des Maizeaux], November 1719
- 1331. Catherine Conduitt to Newton, 16 November 1719
- 1332. J. Bernoulli to Newton, 10 December 1719
- 1333. Newton to J. Bernoulli, Early 1720
- 1334. Newton to ?De Moivre, ?Early 1720
- 1335. The Ordnance to the Mint, 23 February 1720
- 1336. Tilson to Newton, 5 April 1720
- 1337. Newton to the Treasury, 12 April 1720
- 1338. Varignon to Newton, ?May 1720
- 1339. Des Maizeaux to Newton, 4 June 1720
- 1340. The Mint to the Treasury, 5 July 1720
- 1341. Newton to the Lords Justices, c. July 1720
- 1342. Newton to Fauquier, 27 July 1720
- 1343. Robert Smith to Newton, 12 August 1720
- 1344. Des Maizeaux to Conti, 11 September 1720
- 1345. Charles Delafaye to Newton, 11 October 1720
- 1346. Newton to Delafaye, October 1720
- 1347. Newton to James Craggs, 24 October 1720
- 1348. Varignon to Newton, 17 November 1720
- 1349. James Wilson to Newton, 15 December 1720
- 1350. Sebastien Truchet to Newton, ?1721
- 1351. C. Stanhope to Newton and Bladen, 7 January 1721
- 1352. Richard Howletson to Newton, 16 January 1721
- 1353. Newton to Varignon, 19 January 1721
- 1354. Newton to Varignon, ?1721
- 1355. Wilson to Newton, 21 January 1721
- 1356. Varignon to Des Maizeaux, 31 January 1721
- 1357. Varignon to J. Bernoulli, 5 February 1721
- 1358. Newton to the Treasury, 1 March 1721
- 1359. Des Maizeaux to Varignon, 30 March 1721
- 1360. Conti to Des Maizeaux, 21 April 1721
- 1361. Conti to Taylor, 11 May 1721
- 1362. Newton to Levinus Vincent, c. May 1721
- 1363. Newton to Varignon, Early August 1721
- 1364. 'sGravesande to Newton, 7 August 1721
- 1365. Pierre Coste to Newton, 16 August 1721
- 1366. Conti to Des Maizeaux, 21 August 1721
- 1367. Taylor to Keill, 26 August 1721
- 1368. Elizabeth Johnson to Newton, 2 September 1721
- 1369. Varignon to Newton, 7 September 1721
- 1370. Henri François Daguesseau to Newton, 17 September 1721
- 1371. Varignon to Newton, 21 September 1721
- 1372. Newton to Varignon, 26 September 1721
- 1373. Katherine Rastall to Newton, 7 October 1721
- 1374. Varignon to J. Bernoulli, 10/11 October 1721
- 1375. The Treasury to Newton, 11 October 1721
- 1376. Burchett to Newton, 11 October 1721
- 1377. Newton to Burchett, ?October 1721
- 1378. Newton to the Treasury, 20 October 1721
- 1379. Du Quet to Newton, ?October 1721
- 1380. Warrant to Newton, 1 November 1721
- 1381. Varignon to Newton, 28 November 1721
- 1382. Littleton Powys to Newton & Clarke, 14 December 1721
- 1383. Newton and Sydenham to the Treasury, c. 19 December 1721
- 1384. Warren to Newton, 19 December 1721
- 1385. Varignon to Newton, ?2 January 1722
- 1386. William Blundel to Newton, 17 January 1722
- 1387. J. Baynes to Newton, 21 January 1722
- 1388. Robert Walpole to the Mint, 8 February 1722
- 1389. Newton to the Treasury, 14 March 1722
- 1390. Varignon to Newton, 24 March 1722
- 1390a. Varignon to J. Bernoulli, March 1722
- 1391. Varignon to Newton, 17 April 1722
- 1392. Newton to the Treasury, 26 June 1722
- 1393. Newton and Bladen to the Treasury, 26 June 1722
- 1394. Newton to the Treasury, 26 June 1722
- 1395. Newton to Varignon, ?July 1722
- 1396. Varignon to Newton, 24 July 1722
- 1397. Newton to the South Sea Company, 8 August 1722
- 1398. Samuel Bull to Newton, 14 September 1722
- 1399. Newton to the Treasury, 18 October 1722
- 1400. Newton to Jacques-Antoine Arlaud, 22 October 1722
- 1401. Newton to Varignon, c. October 1722
- 1402. Fontenelle to Newton, 11 November 1722
- 1403. Newton to the Treasury, 21 January 1723
- 1404. J. Bernoulli to Newton, 26 January 1723
- 1405. Philippe Naude to Newton, 26 January 1723
- 1406. Augustine Tampyan to Newton, 3 April 1723
- 1407. Mary and Ann Davies to Newton, 28 April 1723
- 1408. Burchett to Newton, 2 July 1723
- 1409. Tilson to Newton, 3 August 1723
- 1410. Tilson to Newton, 12 September 1723
- 1411. Newton to the Treasury, 13 September 1723
- 1412. Tilson to Cracherode, 18 September 1723
- 1413. Henry Pemberton to Newton, ?October 1723
- 1414. Pemberton to Newton, ?November 1723
- 1415. Pemberton to Newton, ?November 1723
- 1416. Pemberton to Newton, ?December 1723
- 1417. Charles Rawson to Newton, 31 December 1723
- 1418. J. C. F. Von Hatzfeld to Newton, [1723 or 1724]
- 1419. Newton to Johann Burchard Mencke, 1724
- 1420. Pemberton to Newton, ?January 1724
- 1421. Pemberton to Newton, 11 February 1724
- 1422. Pemberton to Newton, 18 February 1724
- 1423. Lauderdale to Newton, 27 February 1724
- 1424. Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli to Newton, 29 February 1724
- 1425. Newton to Lauderdale, 18 March 1724
- 1426. Pemberton to Newton, ?March 1724
- 1427. Joseph-Nicolas Delisle to Newton, 22 March 1724
- 1428. Fatio to Newton, 1 April 1724
- 1429. Newton to Delisle, ?April 1724
- 1430. John Scrope to Newton, 10 April 1724
- 1431. Newton to the Treasury, 13 April 1724
- 1432. Newton to the Treasury, 13 April 1724
- 1433. The Treasury to the Mint, 21 April 1724
- 1434. Newton, Southwell and Scrope to the Treasury, 27 April 1724
- 1435. Haynes to Newton, 29 April 1724
- 1436. Guillaume Cavelier to Newton, 30 April 1724
- 1437. Scrope to Newton, 11 May 1724
- 1438. Newton to the Treasury, 18 May 1724
- 1439. Pemberton to Newton, ?May 1724
- 1440. Marsigli to Newton, ?May 1724
- 1441. Newton to the Treasury, 18 June 1724
- 1442. Burchett to Newton, 4 August 1724
- 1443. Pemberton to Newton, ?August 1724
- 1444. Newton to Townshend, 25 August 1724
- 1445. Pemberton to Newton, ?September 1724
- 1446. Newton to the Treasury, 5 October 1724
- 1447. Pemberton to Newton, ?October 1724
- 1448. Pemberton to Newton, ?November 1724
- 1449. Newton to Halley, 3 December 1724
- 1450. Delisle to Newton, 10 December 1724
- 1451. Pemberton to Newton, ?December 1724
- 1451a. Pemberton's Queries on Principia, 2nd Edition, pp. 321-60
- 1452. Newton to a Duke, 14 December 1724
- 1453. Newton to Delisle, ?January 1725
- 1454. Pemberton to Newton, ?January 1725
- 1455. Halley to Newton, 16 February 1725
- 1456. Newton to Thomas Mason, ?February 1725
- 1457. Pemberton to Newton, ?February 1725
- 1458. Pemberton to Newton, ?February 1725
- 1458a. Pemberton's Queries on Principia, 2nd Edition, pp. 364-84
- 1458b. The Enclosed Paper
- 1459. Newton to John Armstrong, ?Early 1725
- 1460. Newton to Halley, 1 March 1725
- 1461. Cavelier to Newton, 9 March 1725
- 1462. Pemberton to Newton, ?April 1725
- 1462a. Pemberton's Queries on Principia, 2nd Edition, pp.389-426
- 1463. J. T. Desaguliers to Newton, 29 April 1725
- 1464. Newton to Percival, 12 May 1725
- 1465. Newton to Mason, 12 May 1725
- 1466. George Needham to Newton, 16 May 1725
- 1467. Pemberton to Newton, ?May 1725
- 1468. Pemberton to Newton, 17 May 1725
- 1469. Newton to Cavelier, 27 May 1725
- 1470. Pemberton to Newton, 31 May 1725
- 1470a. Pemberton's Queries on Principia, 2nd Edition, pp.464-74
- 1471. Richard Pindar to Newton, 9 June 1725
- 1472. Pemberton to Newton, 22 June 1725
- 1473. Pemberton to Newton, 17 July 1725
- 1474. Burchett to Newton, 12 August 1725
- 1475. Newton to Colin Maclaurin, 21 August 1725
- 1476. Newton to the Admiralty, 26 August 1725
- 1477. Claude Jombert to Newton, 1 September 1725
- 1478. Scrape to the Mint, 23 September 1725
- 1479. Newton to the Treasury, 4 October 1725
- 1480. Chapman to Newton, 23 October 1725
- 1481. Colin Maclaurin to Newton, 25 October 1725
- 1482. Newton to John Campbell, c. November 1725
- 1483. Newton to the Treasury, 10 November 1725
- 1484. Rawson to Newton, 31 December 1725
- 1485. Johann Peter Biester to Newton, 1 February 1726
- 1486. Pemberton to Newton, 9 February 1726
- 1487. Du Quet to Newton, 28 March 1726
- 1488. Newton to Mason, 10 May 1726
- 1489. Henry Jackson to Newton, 8 June 1726
- 1490. Newton to John Conduitt, 25 June 1726
- 1491. Newton to Fontenelle, ?June 1726. For the answer see Letter 1492
- 1492. Fontenelle to Newton, 3 July 1726. Reply to Letter 1491
- 1493. Newton to Scrope, August 1726
- 1494. Scrope to the Mint, 16 August 1726
- 1495. Newton to the King Autumn, 1726
- 1496. Haynes to Newton, 6 September 1726
- 1497. J. F. Bachstrohm to Newton, 21 October 1726
- 1498. Newton to Mason, 4 February 1727
- 1499. Mason to John Conduitt, 23 March 1727
- Undated Correspondence
- 1500. Newton to Pierre Allix, n.d.
- 1501. Newton to Conrade de Gols, n.d.
- 1502. Newton to Gardiner, n.d.
- 1503. Newton to ?Robert Gayer, n.d.
- 1504. Newton to Janssen, n.d.
- 1505. Newton to John Lacy, n.d.
- 1506. Newton to ?Sir John Newton, n.d.
- 1507. Newton to John Newton, n.d.
- 1508. Newton to ?Oldenburg, n.d.
- 1509. Newton to Proctor, n.d.
- 1510. Newton to _____ ____, n.d.
- 1511. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1512. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1513. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1514. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1515. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1516. Newton to a Nobleman, n.d.
- 1516A. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1517. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1518. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1519. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1520. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1521. Newton to _____, n.d.
- 1522. John Arnold to Newton, 20 March. Original
- 1523. Arnold to Newton, 6 November. Original
- 1524. Arnold to Newton, 14 April. Original
- 1525. Arnold to Newton, 22 May. Original
- 1526. Arnold to Newton, 5 November. Original
- 1527. Isaac Banastre to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1528. Catherine Barton to Newton, n.d.
- 1529. A Compositor to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1530. A Compositor to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1531. A Compositor to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1532. Robert Corbey to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1533. Francis Cressener to Newton, n.d.
- 1534. Cressener to Newton, n.d.
- 1535. Cressener to Newton, n.d.
- 1536. Isaac Davies to Newton, n.d.
- 1537. Felix de Alvarado to Newton, n.d.
- 1538. P [eter] Gardner to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1539. Peter Gartner to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1540. R[obert] Gayer to Newton, 5 April. Original
- 1541. Bartholomew Goodday to Newton, n.d.
- 1542. Daniel Harrison to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1543. ?Hickstan to Newton, n.d. Original (Latin)
- 1544. William Howard to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1545. J. Leon to Newton, n.d. Original (Latin)
- 1546. Edmund Longbridge to Newton, n.d.
- 1547. Joseph Morland to Newton, n.d.
- 1548. Thomas Sampson to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1549. Hannah Tonstall to Newton, n.d. Original (highly illiterate)
- 1550. Joseph Trevor to Newton, n.d. Original
- 1551. Margaret Warner to Newton, 19 January. Original (torn)
- 1552. George Watson to Newton, n.d.
- 1553. _____ to Newton, n.d. Original
- Appendix I. Additions and Corrections to Earlier Volumes
- 110. Newton to Collins, 20 May 1673
- X.132. Newton to Oldenburg, Late January 1674/5
- 166. Collins to Oldenburg For Leibniz, 14 June 1676
- X.205. Newton to the Master and Fellows of St Catharine's College, Cambridge, ?1677
- X.240. Newton to Sir Robert Markham, ?June 1680
- . Fatio to Newton, 24 February 1689/90
- X.353. Fatio to Newton, 17 April 1690
- 392. Newton to Wallis, 27 August 1692
- 395. Fatio to Newton, 17 September 1692
- 396. Newton to Fatio, 21 September 1692
- 397. Fatio to Newton, 22 September 1692
- . Fatio to Newton, 17 November 1692
- . Newton to Fatio, 21 November 1692
- . Fatio to Newton, 22 November 1692
- X.388.1. Newton to _____, ?1692
- X.398.2. Newton to Wallis, Late 1692
- . Newton to Wallis, Winter 1692/3
- . Fatio to Newton, 11 April 1693
- 417. Memoranda by Gregory, 30 June 1693
- 427. Newton to Leibniz, 16 October 1693
- X.436. Newton to _____, c. 1693
- 457. Newton to Buswell, ?June 1694
- 532. Halley to Newton, 28 September 1695
- 538. Newton to Halley, late October 1695
- . Newton to the Treasury, 25 May 1696
- 550. The Mint to the Treasury, 8 June 1696
- 553. Newton to the Treasury, July/August 1696
- 557. Newton and Neale to the Treasury, 10 December 1696
- 559. Newton to the Treasury, ?1696
- X.560. Thomas Neale to the Treasury, 15 January 1696/7
- X.566. Newton to Halley, 21 June 1697
- X.571. The Mint to the Chester Mint, ?August 1697
- X.574. Newton to the Chester Mint, ?September 1697
- X.577. Newton to Halley, 25 December 1697
- X.584. Newton to Weddell, 10 March 1697/8
- . Newton to the Governor of Chester Castle, 16 April 1698
- X.591.1. The Mint to the Treasury, 18 August 1698
- X.591.2. The Mint to the Treasury, 20 August 1698
- X.593. John Blackwell to ?Newton, 8 October 1698
- X.595. Blackwell to ?Newton, 24 October 1698
- X.596.1. Blackwell to Newton, 12 November 1698
- X.596.2. William Nabb to ?Newton, Late 1698
- X.596.3. Blackwell to ?Newton, 28 November 1698
- X.596.4. Isaac Wallington to Newton, 3 December 1698
- . Representation From the Mint to the Treasury, December 1698
- X.606.1. Thomas Carter to Newton, ?Late January 1698/9
- X.606.2. Carter to Newton, ?Late January 1698/9
- X.606.3. John Ignatius Lawson to Newton, ?Late January 1698/9
- X.606.4. John Whitfield to Newton, 25 January 1698/9
- X.606.5. Whitfield to Newton, 9 February 1698/9
- X.606.6. Lawson to Newton, 9 February 1698/9
- X.606.7. Lawson to Newton, 13 February 1698/9
- X.606.8. Lawson to Newton, ?February 1698/9
- X.606.9. Chaloner to Newton, ?February 1698/9
- X.606.10. Chaloner to Newton, ?February 1698/9
- X.606.11. Carter to Newton, ?March 1698/9
- 607. The Mint to the Treasury, January/March 1698/9
- X.608.1. Rokeby to Newton, 21 March 1699
- X.608.2. Lawson to Newton, 3 April 1699
- X.608.3. John Pyke to Newton, 3 April 1699
- X.610.1. The Mint to the Treasury, 8 April 1699
- X.610.2. Thomas Fowle to the Mint, 27 April 1699
- X.610.3. The Mint to the Treasury, May 1699
- X.612. Newton and Neale to the Treasury, 16 June 1699
- X.613. Roger Jennings to Newton, 30 June 1699
- X.616. Fowle to Newton, ?1699
- . Newton to the Governor of Chester Castle, 23 November 1699
- X.617. Officers of the Ordnance to ?Newton, 2 December 1699
- X.619.1. Newton to _____, ?1699
- X.619.2. Newton to the Treasury, ?Early 1700
- X.626.1. The Mint to the Treasury, 11 May 1700
- X.626.2. The Mint to the Treasury, 25 May 1700
- X.630.1. The Mint to the Treasury, c. January 1700/1
- X.630.2. Newton and Stanley to the Treasury, c. January 1700/1
- X.631.1. Newton and Stanley to the Treasury, 22 January 1700/1
- X.631.2. Newton to the Treasury, ?Late January 1700/1
- X.633.1. The Mint to the Treasury, 2 April 1701
- X.633.2. Newton and Stanley to the Treasury, 19 April 1701
- X.633.3. The Mint to the Treasury, c. April 1701
- X.633.4. The Mint to the Treasury, 30 April 1701
- X.633.5. Newton to the Treasury, 30 April 1701
- X.633.6. Newton and Stanley to the Treasury, 30 April 1701
- X.633.7. The Mint to the Treasury, 7 May 1701
- . Newton to the Treasury, May or June 1701
- X.639. Newton to ?Godolphin, ?July 1701
- 641. Newton to the Treasury, September 1701
- 643. Newton to the Treasury, Late 1701
- X.643.1. The Mint to the Treasury, December 1701
- X.643.2. The Mint to the Treasury, c. end of 1701
- X.643.3. The Mint to the Treasury, 10 December 1701
- X.645.1. The Mint to the Treasury, 18 March 1701/2
- X.645.2. The Mint to the Treasury, 26 March 1702
- X.645.3. John Batchelor to Newton, 4 April 1702
- 647. Newton to Godolphin, 15 April 1702
- X.648. Samuel Garth to Newton, ?April 1702
- . Newton to Halley, 2 June 1702
- X.649.1. Newton to the Treasury, ?June 1702
- X.649.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 30 June 1702
- . Newton to Godolphin, ?Summer 1702
- 650. Mint to Godolphin, 7 July 1702
- X.650.1. Newton to Godolphin, July 1702
- X.650.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 5 August 1702
- . Newton to Godolphin, 20 August 1702
- X.651. The Mint to the Treasury, ?October 1702
- 652. Newton to Godolphin, 16 October 1702
- 654. Newton to ?Lowndes, Late 1702
- 656. Newton to Godolphin, 1702
- 657. The Mint to Godolphin, January 1702/3
- X.657. The Mint to Godolphin, 13 January 1702/3
- 658. Newton to the Treasury, 15 January 1702/3
- X.658. The Mint to Godolphin, 20 January 1702/3
- . Royal Warrant, 10 February 1702/3
- 661. The Treasury to Newton and Others, 22 March 1702/3
- 663. Royal Warrant to Newton, 1702/3
- X.663.1. Commissioners For Prizes to Newton, 21 April 1703
- X.663.2. The Mint to the Treasury, 24 April 1703
- X.664. David Gregory to Newton, 16 May 1703
- 665. Newton to ?Lowndes, 16 June 1703
- X.666. The Mint to Godolphin, 1 September 1703
- 667. Newton to Godolphin, 30 October 1703
- X.667.1. The Mint to Godolphin, 4 November 1703
- X.667.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 9 December 1703
- X.669. Newton to Godolphin, Early 1703/4
- X.672. The Mint to Godolphin, 19 April 1704
- 673. Newton to Godolphin, 15 May 1704
- X.673.1. Lowndes to the Mint, 20 May 1704
- X.673.2. Newton to Guido Grandi, 26 May 1704
- X.673.3. Lowndes to the Mint, 8 August 1704
- 674. The Mint to Godolphin, 23 August 1704
- X.674. A Proposal by Newton Concerning Engraving, 8 September 1704
- . The Mint to Godolphin, 12 October 1704
- X.678. The Mint to Godolphin, 15 November 1704
- X.684. The Mint to Godolphin, 10 January 1704/5
- X.691.1. Newton to _____, c. April 1705
- X.691.2. Newton to ?Halifax, ?April 1705
- X.691.3. Newton to ?Francis Godolphin, ?April 1705
- X.693.1. Newton to Janssen, May 1705
- X.693.2. Newton to Godolphin, ?1705
- X.694.1. Petition From the Mint to the Queen, 25 July 1705
- X.694.2. Stanley to Newton, August/September 1705
- X.703. Peter Le Neve to Newton, c. November 1705
- X.704. William Yarworth to Newton, ?1705
- X.705. The Mint to Godolphin, 2 January 1705/6
- X.707. The Mint to Godolphin, ?1705/6
- X.708.1. Newton to Godolphin, 5 March 1705/6
- X.708.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 10 May 1706
- X.708.3. Newton to ?Samuel Garth, ?6 June 1706
- X.708.4. Newton to the Marquis de Guiscard, 6 June 1706
- X.708.5. The Mint to Godolphin, 20 June 1706
- X.709.1. The Mint to Godolphin, 5 September 1706
- X.709.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 25 September 1706
- X.714. George Yeo to Newton, ?February 1706/7
- X.715.1. Samuel Newton to Newton, 18 March 1706/7
- X.715.2. Lowndes to the Mint, 18 March 1706/7
- X.715.3. The Mint to Godolphin, 24 March 1706/7
- X.715.4. Taylour to the Mint, 3 April 1707
- 717. The Mint to Godolphin, 12 April 1707
- X.722. The Mint to Godolphin, 2 June 1707
- 724. Newton to Godolphin, 24 June 1707
- 725. Newton to the Goldsmiths' Company, June 1707
- 726. The Mint to Godolphin, July 1707
- X.726.1. Taylour to the Mint, 8 July 1707
- X.726.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 9 July 1707
- X.726.3. Newton to ?Seafield, Summer 1707
- . The Mint to Godolphin, 21 July 1707
- X.727.1. Taylour to the Mint, 28 August 1707
- X.727.2. The Mint to Godolphin, August 1707
- X.727.3. James Clark to ?Newton, 9 September 1707
- X.727.4. David Gregory to Newton, 16 September 1707
- 729. Newton to Godolphin, 14 November 1707
- X.729.1. Newton to Gregory, ?15 November 1707
- X.729.2. Newton for Allardes to Godolphin, ?November 1707
- X.734. Thomas Chambers to ?Newton, 30 December 1707
- X.735. Newton to Godolphin, 21 January 1707/8
- X.736. Newton to Godolphin, 11 February 1707/8
- X.738.1. Drummond to Newton, 27 March 1708
- X.738.2. Newton to ?Drummond, April 1708
- X.740.1. Newton to Godolphin, 14 April 1708
- X.740.2. Newton to Godolphin, 14 April 1708
- X.741. Newton to Godolphin, May 1708
- X.742. Lowndes to Newton and Gregory, 23 June 1708
- X.744.1. W. Boswell to Newton, 10 July 1708
- X.744.2. Newton to Godolphin, ?July 1708
- X.748.1. P. Scott to ?Newton, 10 August 1708
- X.748.2. Newton to Seafield, 12 August 170[8]
- X.748.3. Receivers at Edinburgh to Newton, 28 September 1708
- X.748.4. The Mint to Godolphin, 28 December 1708
- X.749.1. A Testimonial by Newton and Halley, 7 January 1708/9
- X.749.2. Lowndes to the Mint, 24 January 1708/9
- X.752.1. Henry Hunt to Newton, February 1708/9
- X.752.2. The Mint to Godolphin, 10 March 1708/9
- X.752.3. Drummond to Newton, 12 March 1708/9
- X.753.1. Newton to Godolphin, 14 March 1708/9
- X.753.2. Lowndes to Newton, 25 March 1709
- X.754.1. Craven Peyton to Newton, 14 April 1709
- X.754.2. Mary Pilkington to Newton, 26 April 1709
- X.755. The Mint to Godolphin, 1 June 1709
- 760. Newton to Frans Burman, 2 June 1702
- 764. The Mint to Godolphin, 10 August 1709
- X.767. Henry Hunt to Newton, October 1709
- X.770. The Mint to Godolphin, 18 January 1709/10
- X.773. J. Blow to Newton, 4 March 1709/10
- 826. Newton to Cotes, 24 March 1710/11
- X.826. Draft of Proposition 37, Book II, For the Second Edition of the Principia, March 1711
- 829. Cotes to Newton, 31 March 1711
- 844. Cotes to Newton, 4 June 1711
- X.880. Newton to ?Bentley, c. November 1711
- X.887. Arbuthnot to Newton, ?Early 1712
- X.945. Newton to Cawood, ?1712
- X.960. Newton to Caspar Neumann, ?1712
- X.1006. Fauquier to Newton, ?July 1713
- 1137. Newton to _____, 22 March 1715
- X.1226. Josiah Burchett to Newton, 2 November 1716
- . Newton to ?Lowndes, ?l717
- X.1234.1. Burchett to Newton, 1 March 1717
- X.1234.2. William Waters to Newton, 4 March 1717
- X.1235. Burchett to Newton, 21 March 1717
- . Newton to Burchett, 22 March 1717
- X.1248. Burchett to Newton, 19 July 1717
- X.1257. Burchett to Newton, 20 August 1717
- X.1287. Henry Newman to Newton, May 1718
- X.1289. Newton to the Treasury, 10 June 1718
- X.1329. ____ to Newton, October 1719
- X.1339. Waters to Newton, 2 July 1720
- X.1498. ____ to Newton, 7 March 1727
- Appendix II. Newton's Genealogy
- Index

- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- The Correspondence of Isaac Newton , pp. 375Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 1978