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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
September 2012
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Book description

The second edition of this introductory graduate textbook provides a concise but accessible introduction to the Standard Model. It has been updated to account for the successes of the theory of strong interactions, and the observations on matter-antimatter asymmetry. It has become clear that neutrinos are not mass-less, and this book gives a coherent presentation of the phenomena and the theory that describes them. It includes an account of progress in the theory of strong interactions and of advances in neutrino physics. The book clearly develops the theoretical concepts from the electromagnetic and weak interactions of leptons and quarks to the strong interactions of quarks. Each chapter ends with problems, and hints to selected problems are provided at the end of the book. The mathematical treatments are suitable for graduates in physics, and more sophisticated mathematical ideas are developed in the text and appendices.


Review from the first edition‘I am very impressed with this book. It is a beautifully clear and concise introductory text … for a first course in the basic physics of the standard model this book would be an excellent choice. Both experimental and theoretical students would benefit from it.’

Neil Turok Source: The Observatory

'It is fun to read this book!'

Evelyn Weimar-Woods Source: Zentralblatt für Mathematik

'… a very clearly written and recommendable introduction to the Standard Model of particle physics.'

Source: The Observatory

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