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This series comprises a boutique and award-winning collection of books dealing with international transdisciplinary matters, published by Cambridge University Press in association with the London School of Economics. It is centred on four main themes. First, it is transdisciplinary, prioritising texts that challenge disciplinary conventions and develop arguments that cannot be grasped within a single disciplinary field. The series includes work combining a wide range of fields, including international relations, international law, political theory, history, sociology and ethics. Second, it comprises books that contain an overtly international or transnational dimension - whatever their topic, published books deal with matters that necessarily exceed or transcend national boundaries. Third, books accepted to the series address pressing contemporary concerns—though their approach to scholarly inquiry may be predominantly either theoretical or empirical. Fourthly, we are very interested in books that attend critically to the legacies of colonialism, whether that be through a postcolonial or decolonial lens as well as work that engages in critical theories more broadly around issues such as race, class, gender, and sexuality.

  • General Editors: Imaobong Umoren, London School of Economics and Political Science, Ayça Çubukçu, London School of Economics and Political Science, Stephen Humphreys, London School of Economics and Political Science, Stephen Humphreys, Department of Law, London School of Economics, Imaobong Umoren, Department of History, London School of Economics