Let $X,\,Y$
be Banach spaces and fix a linear operator $T \in \mathcal {L}(X,\,Y)$
and ideals $\mathcal {I},\, \mathcal {J}$
on the nonnegative integers. We obtain Silverman–Toeplitz type theorems on matrices $A=(A_{n,k}: n,\,k \in \omega )$
of linear operators in $\mathcal {L}(X,\,Y)$
, so that\[ \mathcal{J}\text{-}\lim A\boldsymbol{x}=T(\mathcal{I}\text{-}\lim \boldsymbol{x}) \]
for every $X$
-valued sequence $\boldsymbol {x}=(x_0,\,x_1,\,\ldots )$
which is $\mathcal {I}$
-convergent (and bounded). This allows us to establish the relationship between the classical Silverman–Toeplitz characterization of regular matrices and its multidimensional analogue for double sequences, its variant for matrices of linear operators, and the recent version (for the scalar case) in the context of ideal convergence. As byproducts, we obtain characterizations of several matrix classes and a generalization of the classical Hahn–Schur theorem. In the proofs we use an ideal version of the Banach–Steinhaus theorem which has been recently obtained by De Bondt and Vernaeve [J. Math. Anal. Appl. 495 (2021)].