Monoliths of two contrasting vegetation types, a species-rich grassland
on a brown earth soil over limestone and
a species-poor community on a peaty gley, were transferred to solardomes
grown under ambient (350 μl l−1)
and elevated (600 μl l−1) CO2 for 2 yr.
Shoot biomass was unaltered but root biomass increased by 40–50%
under elevated CO2. Root production was increased by elevated
CO2 in the peat soil, measured both as
instantaneous and cumulative rates, but only the latter measure was increased
in the limestone soil. Root growth
was stimulated more at 6 cm depth than at 10 cm in the limestone soil.
was faster under elevated CO2
in the peat soil, but there was only a small effect on turnover in the
limestone soil. Elevated CO2 reduced nitrogen
concentration in roots and might have increased mycorrhizal colonization.
Respiration rate was correlated with N
concentration, and was therefore lower in roots grown at elevated CO2.
Estimates of the C budget of the two
communities, based upon root production and on net C uptake, suggest that
C sequestration in the peat soil
increases by c. 0·2 kg C m−2 yr−1
(=2 t ha yr−1) under elevated CO2.