A large amplitude Trivelpiece–Gould (TG) mode, in a strongly
magnetized beam–plasma system, parametrically couples to a beam
space charge mode and a TG mode sideband. The density perturbation
associated with the beam mode couples with the electron oscillatory
velocity, due to the pump wave, to produce a nonlinear current, driving
the sideband. The pump and the sideband waves exert a ponderomotive
force on the electrons with a component parallel to the ambient
magnetic field, driving the beam mode. For a pump wave having
< 0, where ω0, k0 are the
frequency and the wave number of the pump, and
v0b0 is the beam velocity, the
sideband is frequency upshifted. At low beam density (Compton regime)
the growth rate of the parametric instability scales as two-thirds
power of the pump amplitude, and one-third power of beam density. In
the Raman regime, the growth rate scales as half power of beam density
and linearly with pump amplitude. The background plasma has a
destabilizing role on the instability.