In this work, we present 3D MHD simulations of non-helical, forced turbulence, with an anisotropic thermal pressure with respect to the orientation of the local magnetic field. Such anisotropy arises when the plasma is weakly collisional, i.e., when the Larmor frequency is much greater than the ion-ion collision frequency. In this Kinetic MHD regime (KMHD), there are instabilities that give rise to fast growing magnetic fluctuations in the smallest scales. The plasma that fills the intergalactic and intracluster media has small density (n ~ 10−3cm−3), hence the effects of these instabilities could be important in the turbulent amplification of the magnetic fields there. In order to study the KMHD turbulence, we have performed 3D numerical simulations employing a godunov-MHD code (e.g., Kowal, Lazarian & Beresnyak 2007; Falceta-Gonçalves, Lazarian & Kowal 2008). The power spectrum of the velocity and magnetic fields were calculated for two cases: when there is a pre-existing mean magnetic field, and when there is only an initial weak magnetic field.