A method to rapidly identify acetolactate synthase/acetohydroxyacid synthase (ALS/AHAS)-resistant weeds is described based upon the differential accumulation of acetoin in the presence and absence of an ALS/AHAS inhibitor herbicide. Acetoin accumulation is induced by inhibition of ketol-acid reductoisomerase (KARI), the enzyme immediately following ALS/AHAS in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. Inhibition of ALS/AHAS prevents the build up of acetoin and forms the basis for distinguishing between sensitive and resistant biotypes. A new inhibitor of KARI, 1,1-cyclopropanedicarboxylic acid (CPCA), is described and was found to cause acetoin accumulation in velvetleaf leaf disks over the concentration range of 2 to 100 000 μM. In the presence of CPCA, a number of species important to monitor for ALS/AHAS resistance were found to accumulate acetoin at rates sufficient for resistance diagnosis in 2 to 8 h. In velvetleaf, the youngest apical leaf was found to be the most active in acetoin accumulation. The resistance diagnosis method was validated by clearly distinguishing between imazaquin-sensitive and imazaquin-resistant cocklebur biotypes.