Genetic variation within and between vegetative compatibility
groups (VCGs) of Amylostereum areolatum (Fr.)
Boid. and Amylostereum chailletii (Pers.: Fr.) Boid.
isolates was investigated. DNA fingerprints were made using
the M13 core sequence as a primer. A total of 53 isolates of
A. areolatum and 57 isolates of A. chailletii from
Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark and Great Britain were studied. In all
cases isolates belonging to the same VCG
showed identical DNA banding patterns, suggesting that VCGs correspond
to clones. In A. areolatum the vast
majority of the isolates (spread by Sirex juvencus L.)
were assigned to dispersive clones, that have wide
geographical distribution (i.e. the same genotypes were detected
in Lithuania, Sweden and Denmark), with low
genetic variation between the different clones. By contrast,
A. chailletii population structure was consistent with
the spread of airborne basidiospores produced by outcrossing. Only a
small fraction of A. chailletii isolates studied,
could be assigned to dispersal clones with a local distribution,
spread by Urocerus gigas L. Overall, M13
fingerprinting detected low genetic differentiation in both species
in the samples we studied.